Pope Francis "put down your arms, end the violence! No more war! No more destruction.”
FOR BREAKING NEWS AND INSPIRATIONAL STORIES AND FREE MOVIES LIKE US ON FACEBOOK NOW http://www.facebook.com/catholicnewsworld He called her Princess Lacey. Doctors discovered two tumors - one in her abdomen and another around her spine. Payne's own mother passed away in his arms when he was 13. Payne had said he just wanted to bring Lacey happiness so she can forget her pain for a little while. 'It can't be all about you,' Payne said. 'That’s true with your teammates. What can you do to help make them better? And it’s true with others you meet. 'It's more important to have a role in other people's lives that you care for.' 'She calls me her "Superman", but she’s the one who's got the super strength,' Payne said.
Pope Francis "put down your arms, end the violence! No more war! No more destruction.”
Speaking in Italian, Pope Francis said the victim had always carried out good works for everybody and because of this “was admired by both Christians and Moslems.” “His brutal killing filled me with profound pain and made me think again of the many people who suffer and die in that tortured country, my beloved Syria, which has already for far too long been gripped by bloody conflict, which continues to mete out death and destruction. I’m also thinking of the many people kidnapped, Christians and Moslems, Syrians and those from other countries, who include bishops and priests.”
The Pope also appealed once again for peace in the war-torn country. “From my heart, I ask you all to join with my prayer for peace in Syria and in the region, and I send a concerned appeal to those responsible in Syria and to the international community: put down your arms, end the violence! No more war! No more destruction.” He also urged that human rights be respected in Syria and that those in need be given humanitarian assistance.
Aged 75, Father van der Lugt had been living in Syria for many decades. He was beaten and shot dead by gunmen in the city of Homs on Monday.
Text from Vatican Radio website
Pope Francis "Let us ask Our Lady, who is the Seat of Wisdom, for this gift."
Below please find a Vatican Radio translation of the Holy Father’s general audience catechesis:
Dear Brothers and Sisters ,
Today we begin a series of reflections on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the soul, the lifeblood of the Church and of every Christian: He is God’s Love, who makes our hearts his home and enters into communion with us. The Holy Spirit is always with us, always in us, in our hearts.
The Spirit himself is "God's gift" par excellence (cf. Jn 4:10) a gift from God, and in turn communicates different spiritual gifts to those who welcome him. The Church identifies seven, a number that symbolically speaks of fullness, completeness; we learn these when preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation and we invoke them in the ancient prayer called the "Sequence of the Holy Spirit" the gifts of the Holy Spirit are: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude , knowledge, piety and fear of God.
1 . The first gift of the Holy Spirit , according to this traditional list, is wisdom. It is not merely human wisdom, no, the fruit of knowledge and experience. In the Bible we are told that, at the time of his coronation as king of Israel , God asked Solomon what gift he wanted to receive. Solomon did not ask for wealth, success, fame , or a long and happy life, instead he asked for “an understanding heart that knows how to distinguish good from evil" ( 1 Kings 3:9). This is wisdom: it is the grace of being able to see everything with the eyes of God. It is simply this: Seeing the world…situations, conjunctures, problems, everything with God’s eyes. This is wisdom. Often we see things as we want to see them or according to our heart, with love, with hate, with envy… no this is not God’s eyes. Wisdom is what the Holy Spirit does within us so that we can see everything with God’s eyes. This is the gift of wisdom.
2 . Obviously this gift comes from intimacy with God. For our intimate relationship with God. From our relationship as children with a Father. And the Holy Spirit – when we have this relationship – gives us the gift of wisdom. When we are in communion with the Lord , it is as if the Spirit transfigures our heart and helps it to perceive all his warmth and predilection.
3 . The Holy Spirit also makes the Christian "wise". This is, however , not in the sense that he or she has an answer for everything, or knows everything, but in the sense that he or she "knows" of God, how God acts, they know when something is of God and when it is not. They know this, they have this wisdom that God gives our heart. The heart of the wise man has this taste of God. It is so important that our communities have Christians such as these! Everything about them speaks of God and becomes a beautiful and vital sign of His presence and His love. And it is something we cannot improvise, something we cannot obtain by our own merits: it is a gift that God gives to those who are docile to His Holy Spirit. We have the Holy Spirit in our hearts we can listen to him or not. If we listen to him he teaches us this path of wisdom, he gifts us wisdom which is seeing with God’s eyes, listening with God’s ears, loving with God’s heart, judging things with Gods’ judgment. These are the things that Holy Spirit gifts us and we can all have this. We just have to ask the Holy Spirit.
Think of a mother at home with her children. One does something and the other thinks otherwise and the poor mother is torn between the two with the children’s problems; when the mother is tired and she shouts at her children, is that wisdom? I ask you is that wisdom – what do you say? No! Instead when the mother takes her child to one side and gently rebukes him, and explains this is God’s wisdom! Yes! And this is what the Holy Spirit gives us in life.
In a marriage for example, the couple argue, then they won’t look at one another, or if they do it is with anger…Is that God’s wisdom? No! Instead when they say let the storm pass, let’s make peace! That’s wisdom, that’s the gift of wisdom, that comes to our homes, to children, to all of us! And it cannot be learned, it is a gift of the Holy Spirit! This is why we must ask the Lord to gift us the Holy Spirit and the gift of wisdom that teaches us to see with God’s eyes, to feel with God’s heart to speak with God’s words! And with this wisdom we can move forward, build the family, the Church and we can all be sanctified.
Let us ask for this grace of wisdom today. Let us ask Our Lady, who is the Seat of Wisdom, for this gift.
Thank you
Below please find the English language summary and greetings
Dear Brothers and Sisters: Today we begin a series of catechesis on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is himself the “gift of God” (cf. Jn 4:10), the presence of God’s love in the Church and in our hearts. Based on a messianic prophecy of Isaiah, the Church has traditionally distinguished seven gifts of the Spirit: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and fear of the Lord. The first of these is wisdom. As a spiritual gift, this wisdom is an interior light, a grace enabling us to contemplate all things with the eyes of God and a heart docile to the promptings of the Spirit. Born of closeness to God in prayer and loving communion, it helps us to recognize with joyful gratitude his providential plan for all things. Christian wisdom is thus the fruit of a supernatural “taste” for God, an ability to savour his presence, goodness and love all around us. How much our world needs the witness of such wisdom today! Let us pray for this gift, so that, rejoicing in the Holy Spirit, we can be true men and women of God, transparently open to his own wisdom and the power of his saving love.
I greet all the English-speaking pilgrims present at today’s Audience, including those from England, Sweden, Norway, Finland, the Philippines, Zimbabwe, Australia and the United States. Upon you and your families I invoke the gifts of the Holy Spirit for a fruitful celebration of this coming Holy Week. God bless you all!
Text from Vatican Radio website
Pope Francis will Wash Feet of Disabled on Holy Thursday at their Home
(Vatican Radio) The Holy See Press Office has announced that Pope Francis will celebrate the In Coena Domini mass on Holy Thursday at a residential rehabilitation centre for disabled people run by the Don Carlo Gnocchi Foundation in Rome. Known as the St. Mary of Providence Centre, it has 150 beds for patients suffering from disabilities or requiring rehabilitation because of neuro-motor impairments. Last year, Pope Francis celebrated the In Coena Domini Mass at a Rome prison for juvenile offenders.
Text from Vatican Radio website
Text from Vatican Radio website
RIP Cardinal Emmanuel III Delly of Patriarch Emeritus of Chaldeans
Baghdad (Agenzia Fides) - Cardinal Emmanuel III Delly, Patriarch emeritus of Babylon of the Chaldeans died in a hospital in San Diego (California). He was 87 years old. The news was given by sources of the Chaldean Church. "Cardinal Delly", says to Fides the current Chaldean Patriarch, Raphael Louis Sako I, "served the Chaldean Church for more than 60 years with dedication, first as a priest and then as Bishop and as Patriarch. He suffered moments of difficulty: the revolution in 1958; the wars in the last decades; the persecution of Christians followed by the invasion of the U.S.A.. In all this time he remained loyal to his country and to his people, he did not abandon his flock, he remained with his faithful, praying, helping, encouraging them".
In the coming days a solemn requiem mass for Cardinal Delly will also be celebrated in the St. Joseph Chaldean Cathedral in Baghdad. The funeral will most likely take place in the United States. The majority of the Patriarch emeritus’ relatives moved to the U.S.A., and many of them live in Detroit.
Patriarch emeritus Delly was born in Telkaif, Archeparchy of Mosul of the Chaldeans on September 27, 1927. He graduated in theology at the Pontifical Urbaniana University and canon law at the Pontifical Lateran University. He was ordained a priest on December 21, 1952 by Cardinal Pietro Fumasoni Biondi in Rome, at the Pontifical Urban College of Propaganda Fide, he returned to Baghdad as secretary of the Patriarch on December 30, 1960. He was elected to the titular Church of Paleopoli of Asia on December 7, 1962 and appointed Auxiliary of Patriarch Paul II Cheikho, receiving episcopal ordination on April 19, 1963. Since that year, as Bishop, he became a member of the Second Vatican Council. In October 2002 he resigned as Auxiliary Bishop for age limit, but a year later, on December 3, 2003, he was elected by the Chaldean Bishops as the Patriarch of Babylon, while Iraq was going through a terrible time in history, after the U.S.-led military intervention led to the fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime. During his patriarchal ministry, in August 2004, there were bloody attacks against churches in Baghdad and Mosul. (GV) (Agenzia Fides 09/04/2014)
Pope's Condolences from Vatican Release:
(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has expressed his condolences for the death of Cardinal Emmanuel III Delly, who led the Chaldean Catholic Church from 2003 to 2012. Aged 87, he died on April 9 in a San Diego hospital.
Born in 1927, Cardinal Delly was ordained to the priesthood in 1952 and the episcopate in 1963. In October 2003 he was elected patriarch of the Chaldean Catholic Church, and Pope Benedict XVI named him a cardinal in 2007.
In a telegramme adddressed to the current Patriarch, Louis Raphael I Sako, and signed by Pope Francis and by Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Pope recalled “with deep gratitude” the late Patriarch’s dedication to his people and to the promotion of inter-religious dialogue.
Please find below the full text of the telegramme:
To: His Beatitude Louis Raphaël I Sako
Patriarch of Babylon of the Chaldeans
I was deeply saddened to hear of the death of His Beatitude Cardinal Emmanuel III Delly, Patriarch Emeritus of Babylon of the Chaldeans. I offer you, the clergy, men and women religious and lay faithful of the Patriarchate, both in Iraq and in the diaspora, my condolences and the assurance of my prayers. I recall with deep gratitude the late Patriarch’s dedication to his people and to the promotion of respectful, just and peaceful relations with followers of other religious traditions. I join you and all who mourn the passing of this esteemed Pastor in commending his noble soul to the infinite mercy of God our loving Father, and I cordially impart my Apostolic Blessing as a pledge of peace and hope in the Lord.
I offer you, your brother Bishops and the entire Church in Iraq my heartfelt sympathy on the passing of His Beatitude Cardinal Emmanuel III Delly. I pray that the Lord whom he served with fidelity will grant him eternal rest.
Cardinal Pietro Parolin
Secretary of State
Text from Vatican Radio website
In the coming days a solemn requiem mass for Cardinal Delly will also be celebrated in the St. Joseph Chaldean Cathedral in Baghdad. The funeral will most likely take place in the United States. The majority of the Patriarch emeritus’ relatives moved to the U.S.A., and many of them live in Detroit.
Patriarch emeritus Delly was born in Telkaif, Archeparchy of Mosul of the Chaldeans on September 27, 1927. He graduated in theology at the Pontifical Urbaniana University and canon law at the Pontifical Lateran University. He was ordained a priest on December 21, 1952 by Cardinal Pietro Fumasoni Biondi in Rome, at the Pontifical Urban College of Propaganda Fide, he returned to Baghdad as secretary of the Patriarch on December 30, 1960. He was elected to the titular Church of Paleopoli of Asia on December 7, 1962 and appointed Auxiliary of Patriarch Paul II Cheikho, receiving episcopal ordination on April 19, 1963. Since that year, as Bishop, he became a member of the Second Vatican Council. In October 2002 he resigned as Auxiliary Bishop for age limit, but a year later, on December 3, 2003, he was elected by the Chaldean Bishops as the Patriarch of Babylon, while Iraq was going through a terrible time in history, after the U.S.-led military intervention led to the fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime. During his patriarchal ministry, in August 2004, there were bloody attacks against churches in Baghdad and Mosul. (GV) (Agenzia Fides 09/04/2014)
Pope's Condolences from Vatican Release:
Born in 1927, Cardinal Delly was ordained to the priesthood in 1952 and the episcopate in 1963. In October 2003 he was elected patriarch of the Chaldean Catholic Church, and Pope Benedict XVI named him a cardinal in 2007.
In a telegramme adddressed to the current Patriarch, Louis Raphael I Sako, and signed by Pope Francis and by Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Pope recalled “with deep gratitude” the late Patriarch’s dedication to his people and to the promotion of inter-religious dialogue.
Please find below the full text of the telegramme:
To: His Beatitude Louis Raphaël I Sako
Patriarch of Babylon of the Chaldeans
I was deeply saddened to hear of the death of His Beatitude Cardinal Emmanuel III Delly, Patriarch Emeritus of Babylon of the Chaldeans. I offer you, the clergy, men and women religious and lay faithful of the Patriarchate, both in Iraq and in the diaspora, my condolences and the assurance of my prayers. I recall with deep gratitude the late Patriarch’s dedication to his people and to the promotion of respectful, just and peaceful relations with followers of other religious traditions. I join you and all who mourn the passing of this esteemed Pastor in commending his noble soul to the infinite mercy of God our loving Father, and I cordially impart my Apostolic Blessing as a pledge of peace and hope in the Lord.
I offer you, your brother Bishops and the entire Church in Iraq my heartfelt sympathy on the passing of His Beatitude Cardinal Emmanuel III Delly. I pray that the Lord whom he served with fidelity will grant him eternal rest.
Cardinal Pietro Parolin
Secretary of State
Text from Vatican Radio website
RIP Fr. Desmond Byrne of Australia - Dedicated Priest

Archdiocese of Canberra Release: FR Desmond 'Des' Grayem Byrne died on Saturday evening 5 April 2014 at St Catherine’s, Balwyn. by Mgr Greg Bennet
Fr Byrne was born on 11 December 1926, and educated at Our Lady of Victories, Camberwell and St Kevin’s College, Toorak. In 1945 he commenced his studies for the priesthood at Corpus Christi College and was ordained by Archbishop Mannix on 21st July 1952.
Following his ordination, Fr Byrne served as Assistant Priest at Healesville (1952), West Brunswick (1953-1955), Geelong North (1955-1956), Ormond (1956), and as Catholic Chaplain to the Repatriation Hospital Heidelberg (1956-1969), finally becoming Parish Priest of Oakpark in 1970 until his retirement as Pastor Emeritus in 2002.
Fr Byrne was a dedicated, determined and devoted priest.
I am sure the preacher at his Requiem Mass will reflect upon Fr Byrne’s strong convictions concerning catechesis and his commitment to the formation of young Catholics through his establishment of the St Michael the Archangel Youth Group Oakpark.
I am sure the preacher at his Requiem Mass will reflect upon Fr Byrne’s strong convictions concerning catechesis and his commitment to the formation of young Catholics through his establishment of the St Michael the Archangel Youth Group Oakpark.
Fr Byrne was always keen to remind others, that he saw the potential of engaging young Catholics with the phenomena of World Youth Day, long before it became a feature of diocesan and international Catholic life.
He was a man of deep faith, who expressed little doubt about the place of the Church, the sacraments, Our Lady and prayer in the lives of those he served.
In his retirement Fr Byrne became a student at John Paul II Institute for Marriage and the Family, continued to supply Mass and to enjoy the company of his loyal lay and priest friends in whom he found great support and spiritual comfort.
Fr Byrne was among many people badly affected by the heat of January. After time spent in Epworth Hospital, he came to the realisation that his fierce independence would need to give way to care at St Catherine’s, where the staff cared for with great dignity and where he died peacefully in the sixty second year of his priesthood.
Grant, we pray, O Lord,
That the soul of Fr Desmond Byrne, your servant and priest
Whom you honoured with sacred office
While he lived in this world,
May exult for ever in the glorious home of heaven.
That the soul of Fr Desmond Byrne, your servant and priest
Whom you honoured with sacred office
While he lived in this world,
May exult for ever in the glorious home of heaven.
Requiescat in Pace
Photo by John Casamento
Thursday, 10 April, 7pm
Rosary at St Mary, Star of the Sea, West Melbourne
Rosary at St Mary, Star of the Sea, West Melbourne
Friday, 11 April, 11am
Pontifical Requiem Mass at St Mary, Star of the Sea, West Melbourne
12:30pm – 12:45pm
Pontifical Requiem Mass at St Mary, Star of the Sea, West Melbourne
12:30pm – 12:45pm
Burial at the Priests’ Crypt, Melbourne General
Feast: April 9
This title occurs only in John, xix, 25. A comparison of the lists of those who stood at the foot of the cross would seem to identify her with Mary, the mother of James the Less and Joseph (Mark 15:40; cf. Matthew 27:56). Some have indeed tried to identify her with the Salome of Mark, xv, 40, but St. John's reticence concerning himself and his relatives seems conclusive against this (cf. John 21:2). In the narratives of the Resurrection she is named "Mary of James"; (Mark 16:1; Luke 24:10) and "the other Mary" (Matthew 27:61; 28:1). The title of "Mary of James" is obscure. If it stood alone, we should feel inclined to render it "wife of (or sister of) James", but the recurrence of the expression "Mary the mother of James and Joseph" compels us to render it in the same way when we only read "Mary of James". Her relationship to the Blessed Virgin is obscure. James is termed "of Alpheus", i.e. presumably "son of Alpheus". St. Jerome would identify this Alpheus with Cleophas who, according to Hegesippus, was brother to St. Joseph (Hist. eccl., III, xi). In this case Mary of Cleophas, or Alpheus, would be the sister-in-law of the Blessed Virgin, and the term "sister", adelphe, in John, xix, 25, would cover this. But there are grave difficulties in the way of this identification of Alpheus and Cleophas. In the first place, St. Luke, who speaks of Cleophas (xxiv, 18), also speaks of Alpheus (6:15; Acts 1:13). We may question whether he would have been guilty of such a confused use of names, had they both referred to the same person. Again, while Alphas is the equivalent of the Aramaic, it is not easy to see how the Greek form of this became Cleophas, or more correctly Clopas. More probably it is a shortened form of Cleopatros.
source: http://www.ewtn.com/saintsHoly/saints/M/stmarycleophas.asp#ixzz1ratqr0YW
RIP Mickey Rooney longest time as an actor - Age 93 - Pray for his soul
Mickey Rooney was born as Joseph Yule, Jr.; September 23, 1920 – April 6, 2014. He was an American actor and entertainer . Rooney had one of the longest careers in acting history; he was first on film in 1927 and made his last appearance in 2014.
LIKE US ON FACEBOOK NOW http://www.facebook.com/catholicnewsworld He received many awards, including a Juvenile Academy Award, an Honorary Academy Award, two Golden Globes and an Emmy Award. He became a superstar as a teenager for his role as Andy Hardy. He had a leading role as Henry Dailey in The Family Channel's The Adventures of the Black Stallion. Rooney was one of the last surviving stars who worked in the silent film era. Accomplished singer and dancer, he received two special Oscars, the Juvenile Award in 1939, which he shared with Deanna Durbin and one in 1983 for his body of work. He filed for bankruptcy in 1962, after spending $12 million he had earned. Standing five-foot-three inches tall, Rooney made his debut at age 15 months in his family's vaudeville act, Yule and
Carter. His first film role in the silent "Not to Be Trusted". Rooney appeared in many popular films in 1934, "Captains Courageous" and "Boy's Town,". From 1944-46, Rooney served in the U.S. Army in the Jeep Theater, traveling 150,000 miles entertaining the troops.
LIKE US ON FACEBOOK NOW http://www.facebook.com/catholicnewsworld
He won an Emmy for "Bill" in 1982 In 1993 he published autobiography "Life Is Too Short."
LIKE US ON FACEBOOK NOW http://www.facebook.com/catholicnewsworld He received many awards, including a Juvenile Academy Award, an Honorary Academy Award, two Golden Globes and an Emmy Award. He became a superstar as a teenager for his role as Andy Hardy. He had a leading role as Henry Dailey in The Family Channel's The Adventures of the Black Stallion. Rooney was one of the last surviving stars who worked in the silent film era. Accomplished singer and dancer, he received two special Oscars, the Juvenile Award in 1939, which he shared with Deanna Durbin and one in 1983 for his body of work. He filed for bankruptcy in 1962, after spending $12 million he had earned. Standing five-foot-three inches tall, Rooney made his debut at age 15 months in his family's vaudeville act, Yule and
Carter. His first film role in the silent "Not to Be Trusted". Rooney appeared in many popular films in 1934, "Captains Courageous" and "Boy's Town,". From 1944-46, Rooney served in the U.S. Army in the Jeep Theater, traveling 150,000 miles entertaining the troops.
LIKE US ON FACEBOOK NOW http://www.facebook.com/catholicnewsworld
He won an Emmy for "Bill" in 1982 In 1993 he published autobiography "Life Is Too Short."
He's survived by wife Jan Chamberlin, a singer he married in 1978; son Mickey Rooney Jr. from his marriage to singer Betty Jane Rase; son Theodore Michael Rooney from his marriage to actress Martha Vickers; daughters Kelly Ann Rooney, Kerry Rooney and Kimmy Sue Rooney and son Michael Joseph Rooney from his marriage to Barbara Ann Thomason; and daughter Jonelle Rooney and adopted son Jimmy Rooney from his marriage to Carolyn Hockett. His son, Tim Rooney, died in 2006. His family is pictured below -
Please pray for his soul....

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