40th edition of the Sept 13 collection to raise funds for society's poorest. The Pope hopes reduce the scandal of poverty and inequality thus fulfilling the Gospel requirements to build a more just & fraternal society possible for all. The Pope expresses his profound gratitude for all those who contribute to the success of this campaign.
Last Sunday the Pope recalled the word's of today's Saint Cajetan: "It is not with sentimental love but rather with loving actions that souls are purified. "
(Schedule: from vatican.va)
Welcoming Ceremony at Stará Ruzyně International Airport of Prague
Address of the Holy Father
Visit to the "Infant Jesus of Prague" at the Church of Our Lady Victorious
Greeting of the Holy Father
Courtesy visit to the President of the Republic in the Presidential Palace of Prague
Meeting with the Civil and Political Authorities and the Diplomatic Corps in the Presidential Palace of Prague.
Address of the Holy Father
Celebration of Vespers with Priests, Men and Women Religious, Seminarians and Lay Movements gathered in the Cathedral of Saints Vitus, Wenceslaus and Adalbert
Address of the Holy Father
Sunday, 27 September 2009
Departure by plane from Stará Ruzyně International Airport of Prague for Brno
Arrival at Tuřany Airport in Brno
Holy Mass at Tuřany Airport in Brno
Homily of the Holy Father
Angelus Domini at Tuřany Airport in Brno
Address of the Holy Father
Departure by plane from Tuřany Airport of Brno for Prague
Arrival at Stará Ruzynědo International Airport of Prague.
Ecumenical Meeting at the Throne Hall of the Archbishop's House of Prague
Address of the Holy Father
Meeting with members of the academic community at Vladislav Hall in the Prague Castle
Address of the Holy Father
Monday, 28 September 2009
Stará Boleslav
Visit at the Church of Saint Wenceslaus in Stará Boleslav
Holy Mass on the liturgical memorial of Saint Wenceslaus, Patron of the Czech Republic at the Esplanade on the Way to Melnik in Stará Boleslav.
Homily of the Holy Father
Message to the young people at the Esplanade on the Way to Melnik in Stará Boleslav
Address of the Holy Father
Luncheon with the Bishops of the Czech Republic and the Papal Entourage at the Archbishop's House of Prague
Farewell from the Apostolic Nunciature of Prague
Farewell Ceremony at Stará Ruzyně International Airport of Prague
Address of the Holy Father
Departure by plane from Stará Ruzyně International Airport of Prague for Rome
(SOURCE: http://www.vatican.va/)
CNA reports that the prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy, Cardinal Claudio Hummes celebrated Mass in Ars, France today to mark the feast of St. Jean Marie Vianney. In his homily, he said that by celebrating the Year for Priests on the 150th anniversary of the saint’s death, Pope Benedict XVI hopes the spirit that pervades this jubilee year will be one of sanctification. At the Shrine dedicated to the Cure d’Ars, with Bishop Guy Marie Bagnard and numerous priests concelebrating, Cardinal Hummes underscored that the Church “desires to say to priests that she thanks God for them, she admires them and loves them, she wants to sustain them with her prayers, she accompanies them in their journey of fidelity, she recognizes them, she wants to concretely help them and collaborate with them in their pastoral work.” After noting that the priests of the world have a date with the Holy Father June 9-10, 2010 at the International Congress in Rome, Cardinal Hummes underscored the example of the Cure d’Ars, whose life was “rich with teachings.”
“He was a model priest because of his life of faith and constant prayer, because of his profound and solid spirituality, his penitence, his humility and poverty, his manner of placing the celebration of the Mass at the center of parish life, his untiring and marvelous ministry of the sacrament of Confession, his ministry of the Word of God for preaching and catechesis, his love for the poor, his pastoral charity which led him to an encounter with each parishioner to lead him or her towards conversion and salvation.” St. Jean Marie Vianney, the cardinal added, “did not want to lose anybody and did not want to rest without first seeing everyone in church, assiduously and frequently receiving the sacraments.” “Thus we priests,” he continued, “for the mere sake of our ordination, are all consecrated to participating in the universal mission of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. It is our priestly and missionary essence. With the task of adapting ourselves to the specific needs of our age, we are ‘sent’ to proclaim the Good News to all men, in particular, as did the Cure d’Ars, to the baptized that have strayed from the light of the faith, beginning with those who are poorest.” After pointing out that priests cannot limit themselves to their parish but must go out in search of the faithful, Cardinal Hummes underscored the importance of assisting them in the sacrament of Confession because “still today, certainly, our contemporaries seek forgiveness, interior peace, reconciliation with God and neighbor, but frequently they do not find the person to show them the way or who understands them in their confusion. This is truly an essential ministry of every priest,” he said. At the conclusion of his homily, Cardinal Hummes invited those present “to make of their families true domestic churches, ardent lights of faith and love, where they pray together. Do not be afraid if the Lord chooses one of your sons to be a priest. Strive instead to pray to the Lord for the grace of a priestly vocation in your family.” (Edited from: http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/new.php?n=16754
AllAfrica reports that access to food for the people of Madagascar remains unreliable because of the impact of natural disasters, which routinely strike the island State, and continuing political tensions, a United Nations report warned today.
The joint Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and World Food Programme (WFP) mission tasked with assessing crop and food security in Madagascar underscored the effect a run of cyclones on the east coast in 2008-2009 and several years of drought in the south has had on the country's crops.
In addition, the political crisis - involving the resignation of President Marc Ravalomanana in early March, amid a dispute with the mayor of the capital, Antananarivo, Andry Rajoelina, who now leads the country - combined with the global economic recession has had repercussions for public finances, exports, tourism, unemployment and the national currency, and a knock-on effect on the agricultural sector, according to the FAO-WFP report.
The drought devastated the south, home to some of the country's poorest communities, has caused national maize, sweet potato and cassava production to slump.
Commercial interests are likely to "wait-and-see" how market prices react to Government imports, which could lead to delays or breakdowns in stocks, causing a price explosion during the lean season - beginning in September-October - reminiscent of the timing of events that led to the 2004-2005 food crisis. (Edited from: http://allafrica.com/stories/200908070010.html
CNA reports that following international news coverage of its violent reactions to Catholic protests, the Vietnamese government is again censoring Catholic web sites.The VietCatholic News site has long been blocked by the government. Now the censorship has extended to sites like Catholic News Agency, Catholic Online, Asia News, Catholic World News and Independent Catholic News, Sr. Emily Nguyen, who lives in Vietnam, tells CNA.
Previously, the government had blocked CNA for several months beginning in September 2008. The government has also monitored CNA’s reports on the protests in which Catholics are seeking the return of confiscated church properties.
Vietnam strictly regulates internet access, using both legal and technological means. The government claims its efforts protect the country from obscene or sexually explicitly content. However, according to Sr. Emily, “in reality most of the filtered sites contain politically or religiously sensitive materials that have been observed as undermining the Communist Party's hold on power while porn sites can be accessed unrestrictedly.”
Reporters without Borders considers Vietnam to be one of 15 “internet enemies,” while Amnesty International has reported many instances of internet activists being arrested for their online activities.
The collaborative academic project OpenNet Initiative, which investigates internet filtering practices, has classified Vietnam’s online political censorship as “pervasive.” Its research has found that Vietnam’s blocking efforts focus on overseas and independent media, sites with content about overseas political opposition, human rights topics and religious topics.
Proxies and other tools to circumvent the filtering, which are illegal to use in Vietnam, are also frequently blocked.The majority of blocked web sites were initially specific to Vietnam and were written in Vietnamese or dealt with issues related to the country. Sites not specifically related to Vietnam or sites only written in English were rarely blocked.
Recently, however, popular Catholic English-language sites have been blacklisted, joining groups such as Human Rights Watch, Writers Without Borders, Amnesty International and other human rights groups.
On July 21, Asia News broke the story about persecutions of Catholics throughout the country, centering on the parishioners of Tam Toa church in the province of Quang Binh. Catholics tried to erect a makeshift tent for worship services on the property of a church mostly destroyed in a Vietnam War U.S. air raid. The property had since been confiscated by the government for use as a war memorial.
Police attacked the parishioners, leaving hundreds injured and dozens arrested. About 500,000 Catholics across the country began their own protests in response. Many lay faithful and clergy were harassed and beaten in retaliation.
One priest visiting his injured fellow clergyman was thrown from a second story hospital window by a government-backed gang. His severe injuries left him comatose.
The Vietnamese government is the exclusive owner of a network of more than 600 media outlets, which work under the strict supervision of the ruling communist party.
“Since Vietnam has not been used to adverse news coming from a foreign, popular source they are apparently not happy with reports on an ongoing situation of abuse and persecution of Catholics,” Sr. Emily Nguyen remarked. “Action they took to make sure the Vietnamese public is shielded from the news is extreme, though not unexpected, for those who have to live under dictatorial, communist regimes such as China or Vietnam.”
(Edited from: http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/new.php?n=16781

CathNews Australia on the centenary of her death, Mary MacKillop, in line to be Australia's first Catholic Saint, is the subject of a new play touring Australia. At the Centre of Light is written and directed by Rosemary Johns who explains the fascination with Mary beyond the Catholic community.
This edition of The Spirit of Things also focuses on the 75th anniversary celebrations of the Baha'is in Australia. The group are focusing their attention on the daughter of their prophet Bahaullah. Bahiyyih Khanum, known as "the Supreme Leaf" became the functioning head of the movement in her mid-40s and Janet Khan, of the Bahai World Centre in Haifa, Israel, has written her biography. (Edited from: http://www.cathnews.com/article.aspx?aeid=15639
Father Kieran Kilcommons was born in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. He was born in May, 1960 to Mike & Noreen Kilcommons. His father was from Ireland and his mother from Nova Scotia, Canada. He has 5 brothers and 2 sisters. He has worked at carpentry, ranching, and surveying. He studied Philosophy for 4 years, obtaining a BA in Philosophy. He also obtained a Masters of Divinity. He was ordained 4 years ago. Before entering the priesthood he lived & worked at Madonna House (lay apostolate) in Combermere, Ontario, Canada.
Father's favorite saying: "Here have I chosen to live". He counsels men considering the priesthood with these words: "Being a priest means being a man with strength, creativity. It is an exciting adventure."
St. Cajetan
Feast Day:
August 7
October 1, 1480, Vicenza, Veneto, Republic of Venice (now Italy)
August 7, 1547, Naples, Campania, Kingdom of Naples
April 12, 1671, Rome by Pope Clement X
Patron of:
workers; gamblers; job seekers; unemployed people
Founder of the Theatines, born October, 1480 at Vicenza in Venetian territory; died at Naples in 1547. He became a doctor utriusque juris at Padua in his twenty-fourth year. He became a priest in 1516. He founded the Theatines.

Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, my whole will, all I have and all I possess. You gave it all to me; to you, Lord, I return it. It is all yours: do with me entirely as you will. Give me your love and your grace: this is enough for me. ST. IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA
Matthew 16: 24 - 28
Then Jesus told his disciples, "If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.
For whoever would save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
For what will it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life? Or what shall a man give in return for his life?
For the Son of man is to come with his angels in the glory of his Father, and then he will repay every man for what he has done.
Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death before they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom."