Vatican City, 17 March 2013 (VIS) – This morning, Pope Francis celebrated Mass at the Vatican parish of St. Anna, the doors of which were crowded from the earliest morning hours with a large number of people. The pontiff was greeted by Cardinal Angelo Comastri, his vicar general for Vatican City State.
Today's Gospel, on this Fifth Sunday in Lent, narrates the story of the adulterous woman whom the Pharisees want to stone. Instead, Christ forgives her, and those who accused her disperse, intimidated by Jesus' bending down to write on the ground with His finger.
In his homily, the Holy Father recalled that, before this story, Jesus had retired to the mountain to pray and later had gone down to the Temple where everyone listened to him. In the end, they left him alone with the woman. “Jesus' solitude!”, he said. “It is a fruitful solitude—both that of His prayer with the Father as well as the other, so beautiful, ... of his mercy toward this woman. This is the Church's message today.”
“There is a difference between the people,” he continued. “On the one hand are the people who come to listen to him and before whom He takes a seat and teaches. These are the people who want to listen to Jesus' words; the people with open hearts, in need of the Word of God.” Nevertheless, “there were others who didn't listen, who could not listen. Among those were the ones who had gone to him with that woman, wanting him to condemn her. … I also think we are like this people who, on the one hand want to listen to Jesus, but, on the other hand, at times, like to be cruel to others, isn't that right? To condemn others, right? This is Jesus' message: mercy. On my part, I say it with humility; this is the the Lord's strongest message: mercy. He himself said: 'I did not come for the righteous'. The righteous can justify themselves. … Jesus came for the sinners.”
For example, think of the gossip after the call of Matthew: 'but that one keeps company with sinners!' And He has come for us, when we recognize that we are sinners. But if we are like the Pharisee before the altar—'Oh God, I thank you that I am not like the rest of humanity—greedy, dishonest, adulterous—or even like this tax collector.'—then we do not know the Lord's heart and we will never have the joy of feeling this mercy! It is not easy to trust in God's mercy because it is an incomprehensible abyss. But we must do it!”
The Pope explained that sometimes people say to priests: “'Oh, Father, if you knew my life you wouldn't say that.' 'Why? What have you done?' 'Oh, I've done bad things.' 'Good! Go to Jesus; He likes you to tell him these things. He forgets. He has the special ability to forget. He forgets them, kisses you, embraces you, and tells you only: 'Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.' He only gives you this counsel. A month later we are the same … We return to the Lord. The Lord never tires of forgiving us, never! We are the ones who get tired of asking forgiveness. Let us ask for the grace to never tire of asking forgiveness, because He never tires of forgiving us. Let us ask for this grace.”
At the end of the Mass, the Pope presented some of those who were present at the celebration:
“Here are a few who aren't parishioners, these Argentinian priests. One is my auxiliary bishop but today they are my parishioners. I also want you to meet a priest who comes from very far away and is here: a priest who, for a long time, has worked with street kids and drug addicts. He opened a school for them and has done many things so that they might know Jesus. All of those street kids have a job today thanks to what they were able to study. They are capable of working. They believe in and love Jesus.” The Pope then addressed the priests, saying: “Come, come and greet the people.” And to all: “Pray for this man. He works in Uruguay. He is the founder of the John Paul II high school; that's his job. I don't know how he got here today. I understand. Thank you. Pray for him.”
After greeting the parishioners, the Pope appeared at the Vatican's Porta Angelica Street, next to the Santa Anna Gate that is one of the entrances into the Vatican City State, to greet the thousands of people who wanted to see him before he prayed his first Angelus as Pope.
ANGELUS: “IF GOD DIDN'T FORGIVE EVERYONE, THE WORLD WOULD NOT EXIST.” Vatican City, 17 March 2013 (VIS) – “Never forget this: the Lord never tires of forgiving us. Have you thought about the patience that God has with each of us?” These were the words that Pope Francis addressed to the nearly 200,000 people who had travelled from around Italy and from around the world in previous days to be able to live this first Angelus with the new Pope. The event lasted only 15 minutes, many of which passed in attentive silence from the people assembled. “If God did not forgive us all, the world would not exist,” the Holy Father affirmed. The Roman Pontiff, Francis, spoke only in Italian. In the crowd, on his father's shoulders, three-year-old Francesco said, in his child's language: “I like. My Pope.” The event was days in planning. Through the media—above all TV and the radio—many already had an idea of who the new Pope is. “I saw him on TV and I was moved … by his humility. … He is one of us,” commented 30-year-old Angelica who had gotten up at 6:00am this morning to arrive at St. Peter's. The Holy Father commented on the day's Gospel reading, the passages that recount the story of the adulterous woman. “God's face is that of a merciful father who is always patient. … He never tires of forgiving us if we know how to return to him with a contrite heart. 'Great is the Lord's mercy',” was the new Pope's profound message. He combined his written text with spontaneous, off-the-cuff comments, which were full of good humour. Following is the complete text of the Pope's words. “Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!”, the Pope began. After our first meeting last Wednesday, today I again give my greetings to you all! And I am happy to do it on Sunday, the Lord's Day! This is beautiful and important for us Christians: to meet on Sunday, to greet one another, to talk as we are doing now, in the square. This square that, thanks to the media, takes on worldly dimensions.” “In this Fifth Sunday of Lent, the Gospel presents us with the story of the adulterous woman whom Jesus saves from being condemned to death. It captures Jesus' attitude: we do not hear words of contempt, we do not hear words of condemnation, but only words of love, of mercy, that invite us to conversion. 'Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more!' Well, brothers and sisters! God's face is that of a merciful father who is always patient. Have you thought about God's patience, the patience that He has with each of us? That is His mercy. He always has patience, is always patient with us, understanding us, awaiting us, never tiring of forgiving us if we know how to return to him with a contrite heart. 'Great is the Lord's mercy', says the Psalm. “In these days, I have been able to read a book by a cardinal—Cardinal Kasper, a talented theologian, a good theologian—on mercy. And it did me such good, that book, but don't think that I'm publicizing the books of my cardinals. That is not the case! But it did me such good, so much good... Cardinal Kasper said that hearing the word mercy changes everything. It is the best thing that we can hear: it changes the world. A bit of mercy makes the world less cold and more just. We need to understand God's mercy well, this merciful Father who has such patience... Think of the prophet Isaiah who asserts that even if our sins were scarlet red, God's love would make them white as snow. That is beautiful, [this aspect of mercy]. I remember when, just after I was made bishop, in 1992, the Madonna of Fatima came to Buenos Aires and a large Mass for the sick was celebrated. I went to hear confessions at that Mass. Near the end of the Mass I got up because I had to administer a confirmation. An over 80-year-old woman came up to me, humbly, very humbly. I asked her: 'Nonna [grandmother]—because that's how we address our elderly—Nonna, you want to confess?' 'Yes', she told me. 'But if you haven't sinned...' And she said to me: 'We have all sinned...' 'But perhaps the Lord will not forgive you...' 'The Lord forgives everyone', she told me, with certainy. 'But how do you know that, ma'am?' 'If the Lord didn't forgive everyone, the world would not exist.' I wanted to ask her: 'Tell me, have you studied at the Gregorian [Pontifical University]?', because that is the wisdom that the Holy Spirit gives: the inner wisdom of God's mercy. Let us not forget this word: God never tires of forgiving us, never! 'So, Father, what is the problem?' Well, the problem is that we get tired, we don't want to, we get tired of asking forgiveness. Let us never get tired. Let us never get tired. He is the loving Father who always forgives, who has that heart of mercy for all of us. And let us also learn to be merciful with everyone. Let us call upon the intercession of the Madonna who has held in her arms the Mercy of God made human.” After praying the Angelus, the Pope greeted the tens of thousands of faithful who overflowed St. Peter's Square: “Thank you for your welcome and your prayers,” he said. I ask that you pray for me. I renew my embrace to the faithful of Rome and extend it to all of you who have come from various parts of Italy and the world just as to those who are joining in with us by means of the media. I have chosen the name of the Patron Saint of Italy, St. Francis of Assisi, and this reinforces my spiritual ties to this land that, as you know, is where my family originated. But Jesus has called us to be part of a new family: his Church. [He has called] this family of God to walk together the paths of the Gospel. May the Lord bless you and the Virgin protect you! And don't forget this: The Lord never tires of forgiving. We are the ones who tire of asking forgiveness.” The Pope's final words to the crowd gathered in the square were greeted with deafening applause: “Have a good Sunday and enjoy your lunch!” They were only 15 minutes, a quarter of an hour that, for many thousands, held a stronger interest than the other two competing activities taking place in Rome today: the city's marathon and the Quirinal Palace's open house. |
By ARCHBISHOP VINCENT NICHOLS on Thursday, 14 March 2013

Archbishop Nichols (Photo: Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk)
Fr Franz Jalics SJ, the Hungarian-born Jesuit who was closely involved in the events in Argentina, about which the press have been so busy recently, has published his own account of what happened. Many thanks to Gemma Simmonds CJ for translating it from the German.
I had been living in Buenos Aires since 1957. In 1974, following a growing inner desire to live the Gospel and to draw attention to the terrible poverty, and with the permission of Archbishop Aramburu and the former provincial superior Fr Jorge Mario Bergoglio, I went to live in a 'favela', a slum district of the city, together with a confrère. From there, we continued our teaching at the University.
In the circumstances of the time, similar to a civil war, approximately 30,000 people, left-wing guerrillas and innocent civilians, were killed by the military junta within one to two years. The two of us in the slum had contacts both with the junta and with the guerrillas. However, due to the lack of information at that time as well as through targeted misinformation our position also led to misunderstandings within the church. At this time, we lost contact with one of our lay colleagues as this person had joined the guerrillas.
Nine months later, after he was captured by the soldiers of the junta and interrogated, they learned that he was in contact with us. On the assumption that we were involved with the guerrillas, we were arrested. After a five-day interrogation, the officer who led the interrogation dismissed us with these words: "Fathers, you are not at fault. I will see to it that you can go back to the slums." Despite this promise, and inexplicably to us, we were subsequently held for five months, blindfolded and shackled in prison. I can take no position on the role of Fr Bergoglio in these events.
I left Argentina after our liberation. Only years later did we have a chance to discuss what had happened with Fr Bergoglio, who meanwhile had been appointed Archbishop of Buenos Aires. We then celebrated Mass together publicly and embraced one another solemnly. I am reconciled with these events and personally consider them as over.
I wish Pope Francis God’s rich blessing for his Office.
P. Franz Jalics SJ
15 March 2013
15 March 2013
A touch of Africa comes to Melton
Wednesday 13 March 2013
Words Bill Lucas
Pictures Fr Michael Moody
MELTON and surrounding districts are becoming home to an ever increasing number of families from South Sudan. Helping these new arrivals understand and become part of the Australian way of life is a big job facing the municipal and religious authorities. Not only is finding suitable housing a headache for the Melton Council but finding work and other socialising activities for both men and women, who often have few or no English skills, is certainly no easy task.
One of the ways of helping newcomers integrate and find friends is for them to become involved in social activities which bring them into contact with the locals. The surrounding Churches have rallied to provide fellowship for all new arrivals by holding regular special church services in the various languages of South Sudan and incorporating the colourful songs and dances of that country.
We are especially lucky at St Dominic’s in Melton to have the services of one of the new deacons recently ordained in the Melbourne Archdiocese. George Piech Meat is a South Sudanese father of six who, although based in Dandenong, comes every two weeks to serve alongside Fr Michael Moody to minister to the growing number of South Sudanese in the parish. On Sunday the 13th of January St Dominic’s hosted our first Mass for this community and taking charge of proceedings was Deacon George. Starting at 1:30PM, or thereabouts, the Church was packed with smiling South Sudanese of all ages and the mood was set with the strains of the entrance hymn provided by the Sunshine South Sudanese choir. Drums, tambourines and rhythmic singing had everyone joining in; even the few non Africans that came. One has to get used to the constant buzz of family activity that permeates the atmosphere of an African Mass but everyone participates in the prayers and singing.
Because the South Sudanese community comprises people from different tribes the ceremony was conducted in English and simple African Arabic which served to unite the congregation. Arabic and Dinka hymns were sung. Deacon George gave the homily in both Arabic and English and concentrated on exhorting everyone to become involved in the parish life.
After Mass we were treated to a traditional South Sudanese barbecue in Fr Michael’s house where there was a plentiful supply of meat and special Sudanese delicacies. Probably, many people went unrecognised because one of the barbecues was set up inside the enclosed pergola. After a half hour or so most people were outside leaving the smoke to itself. The spirit of fellowship was very enjoyable and everyone had a good time.
This mass will take place once a month on the second Sunday and Sudanese people from all the surrounding areas are invited to attend. As well as presiding at this monthly Mass, Deacon George comes to Melton every second Tuesday when he helps the local people with their problems and actively gets involved in promoting the participation of boys and girls in the various sporting groups in the parish. Of course basketball and soccer are very popular among the boys.
What we want to see now is an increase in the number of South Sudanese who regularly come to Mass on Sunday. Breaking down the barriers of language and the feeling of not fitting in will certainly go a long way to help our Sudanese friends join in all of the parish activities and hopefully take leadership roles.
Words Bill Lucas
Pictures Fr Michael Moody

One of the ways of helping newcomers integrate and find friends is for them to become involved in social activities which bring them into contact with the locals. The surrounding Churches have rallied to provide fellowship for all new arrivals by holding regular special church services in the various languages of South Sudan and incorporating the colourful songs and dances of that country.
We are especially lucky at St Dominic’s in Melton to have the services of one of the new deacons recently ordained in the Melbourne Archdiocese. George Piech Meat is a South Sudanese father of six who, although based in Dandenong, comes every two weeks to serve alongside Fr Michael Moody to minister to the growing number of South Sudanese in the parish. On Sunday the 13th of January St Dominic’s hosted our first Mass for this community and taking charge of proceedings was Deacon George. Starting at 1:30PM, or thereabouts, the Church was packed with smiling South Sudanese of all ages and the mood was set with the strains of the entrance hymn provided by the Sunshine South Sudanese choir. Drums, tambourines and rhythmic singing had everyone joining in; even the few non Africans that came. One has to get used to the constant buzz of family activity that permeates the atmosphere of an African Mass but everyone participates in the prayers and singing.

After Mass we were treated to a traditional South Sudanese barbecue in Fr Michael’s house where there was a plentiful supply of meat and special Sudanese delicacies. Probably, many people went unrecognised because one of the barbecues was set up inside the enclosed pergola. After a half hour or so most people were outside leaving the smoke to itself. The spirit of fellowship was very enjoyable and everyone had a good time.
This mass will take place once a month on the second Sunday and Sudanese people from all the surrounding areas are invited to attend. As well as presiding at this monthly Mass, Deacon George comes to Melton every second Tuesday when he helps the local people with their problems and actively gets involved in promoting the participation of boys and girls in the various sporting groups in the parish. Of course basketball and soccer are very popular among the boys.
What we want to see now is an increase in the number of South Sudanese who regularly come to Mass on Sunday. Breaking down the barriers of language and the feeling of not fitting in will certainly go a long way to help our Sudanese friends join in all of the parish activities and hopefully take leadership roles.
by Mathias Hariyadi
Fr Neles Tebay Pr receives the 2013 Peace Award given by the Korean Tji Haksoon Justice and Peace Foundation for his efforts in favour of dialogue between Indonesian authorities and Papuan separatist groups through the Papuan Peace Network. His dream is to see the parties sit down for real peace talks after decades of tensions and violence.

Jakarta (AsiaNews) - In light of his efforts in favour of dialogue between Indonesian authorities and pro-independence Papuan activists, Fr Neles Tebay received the 2013 Peace Award from the Seoul-based Korean Tji Haksoon Justice and Peace Foundation. He has no intention to stop "until real peace talks get underway".
The Indonesian priest, who is based in the Archdiocese of Jayapura (Papua) where he serves as the dean of the Fajar Timur High School of Philosophy and Theology, was recognised for his work in building peaceful channels of communication between the Indonesian government and separatist groups.
Working in cooperation with Protestant clergymen in the Papuan Peace Network (Jaringan Damai Papua or JDP), Fr Tebay, who is also a member of the Papuan Interfaith Forum for Religious Leaders, has nurtured hope for peace in the province.
He has done so by listening to the demands of pro-independence groups and building bridges with the central government, work that is crucial to prevent violence and a region-wide conflict in the resource-rich province.
Speaking to AsiaNews on the eve of his departure for Seoul for the award ceremony, Fr Tebay (pictured) said he would pursue his action until the dream of peace talks is realised.
"Tensions have persisted in the region for at least 50 years," he said with civilians paying the price. Still he is especially happy that his work is appreciated by international organisations as well as local groups.
In 2001, Indonesia granted Papua a high degree of autonomy. However, devolution has never been implemented and indigenous peoples continue to complain about unfair treatment.
Since Indonesia officially annexed in 1969 under strongman Sukarno (1967-1998) by taking advantage of temporary UN rules, the province has had to endure the invasion of foreign and Indonesian companies, sparking the rise of a separatist movement.
The current name of the province came into use in 2002 under then President Abdurrahman Wahid.
by Mathias Hariyadi
Fr Neles Tebay Pr receives the 2013 Peace Award given by the Korean Tji Haksoon Justice and Peace Foundation for his efforts in favour of dialogue between Indonesian authorities and Papuan separatist groups through the Papuan Peace Network. His dream is to see the parties sit down for real peace talks after decades of tensions and violence.

Jakarta (AsiaNews) - In light of his efforts in favour of dialogue between Indonesian authorities and pro-independence Papuan activists, Fr Neles Tebay received the 2013 Peace Award from the Seoul-based Korean Tji Haksoon Justice and Peace Foundation. He has no intention to stop "until real peace talks get underway".
The Indonesian priest, who is based in the Archdiocese of Jayapura (Papua) where he serves as the dean of the Fajar Timur High School of Philosophy and Theology, was recognised for his work in building peaceful channels of communication between the Indonesian government and separatist groups.
Working in cooperation with Protestant clergymen in the Papuan Peace Network (Jaringan Damai Papua or JDP), Fr Tebay, who is also a member of the Papuan Interfaith Forum for Religious Leaders, has nurtured hope for peace in the province.
He has done so by listening to the demands of pro-independence groups and building bridges with the central government, work that is crucial to prevent violence and a region-wide conflict in the resource-rich province.
Speaking to AsiaNews on the eve of his departure for Seoul for the award ceremony, Fr Tebay (pictured) said he would pursue his action until the dream of peace talks is realised.
"Tensions have persisted in the region for at least 50 years," he said with civilians paying the price. Still he is especially happy that his work is appreciated by international organisations as well as local groups.
In 2001, Indonesia granted Papua a high degree of autonomy. However, devolution has never been implemented and indigenous peoples continue to complain about unfair treatment.
Since Indonesia officially annexed in 1969 under strongman Sukarno (1967-1998) by taking advantage of temporary UN rules, the province has had to endure the invasion of foreign and Indonesian companies, sparking the rise of a separatist movement.
The current name of the province came into use in 2002 under then President Abdurrahman Wahid.
St. Patrick
Feast: March 17
![]() Information:
The field of St. Patrick's labors was the most remote part of the then known world. The seed he planted in faraway Ireland, which before his time was largely pagan, bore a rich harvest: whole colonies of saints and missionaries were to rise up after him to serve the Irish Church and to carry Christianity to other lands. Whether his birthplace, a village called Bannavem Taberniae, was near Dunbarton-on-the-Clyde, or in Cumberland, or at the mouth of the Severn, or even in Gaul near Boulogne, has never been determined, and indeed the matter is of no great moment. We know of a certainty that Patrick was of Romano-British origin, and born about the year 389. His father, Calpurnius, was a deacon, his grandfather a priest, for at this time no strict law of celibacy had been imposed on the Christian clergy. Patrick's own full name was probably Patricius Magonus Sucatus.
His brief
At length he heard a voice in his sleep bidding him to get back to freedom and the land of his birth. Thus prompted, he ran away from his master and traveled to a harbor where a ship was about to depart. The captain at first refused his request for passage, but after Patrick had silently prayed to God, the pagan sailors called him back, and with them he made an adventurous journey. They were three days at sea, and when they reached land they traveled for a month through an uninhabited tract of country, where food was scarce. Patrick writes:
"And one day the shipmaster said to me: 'How is this, O Christian? Thou sayest that thy God is great and almighty; wherefore then canst thou not pray for us, for we are in danger of starvation? Likely we shall never see a human being again.' Then I said plainly to them: 'Turn in good faith and with all your heart to the Lord my God, to whom nothing is impossible, that this day He may send you food for your journey, until ye be satisfied, for He has abundance everywhere.' And, by the help of God, so it came to pass. Lo, a herd of swine appeared in the way before our eyes, and they killed many of them. And in that place they remained two nights; and they were well refreshed and their dogs were sated, for many of them had fainted and been left half- dead by the way. After this they rendered hearty thanks to God, and I became honorable in their eyes; and from that day they had food in abundance."
At length they arrived at human habitations, whether in Britain or Gaul we do not know. When Patrick was again restored to his kinfolk, they gave him a warm welcome and urged him to stay. But he felt he must leave them. Although there is no certainty as to the order of events which followed, it seems likely that Patrick now spent many years in Gaul. Professor Bury, author of the well-known
We now come to Patrick's apostolate. At this time Pelagianism[1] was spreading among the weak and scattered Christian communities of Britain and Ireland, and Pope Celestine I had sent Bishop Palladius there to combat it. This missionary was killed among the Scots in North Britain, and Bishop Germanus of Auxerre recommended the appointment of Patrick to replace him. Patrick was consecrated in 432, and departed forthwith for Ireland. When we try to trace the course of his labors in the land of his former captivity, we are confused by the contradictory accounts of his biographers; all are marked by a great deal of vagueness as to geography and chronology. According to tradition, he landed at Inverdea, at the mouth of the river Vautry, and immediately proceeded northwards. One chronicler relates that when he was again in the vicinity of the place where he had been a herdboy, the master who had held him captive, on hearing of Patrick's return, set fire to his house and perished in the flames. There is historical basis for the tradition of Patrick's preliminary stay in Ulster, and his founding of a monastic center there. It was at this time that he set out to gain the support and favor of the powerful pagan King Laeghaire, who was holding court at Tara. The stories of Patrick's encounter with the king's Druid priests are probably an accretion of later years; we are told of trials of skill and strength in which the saint gained a great victory over his pagan opponents. The outcome was royal toleration for his preaching. The text of the Senchus More, the old Irish code of laws, though in its existing form it is of later date, mentions an understanding reached at Tara. Patrick was allowed to preach to the gathering, "and when they saw Laeghaire with his Druids overcome by the great signs and miracles wrought in the presence of the men of Erin, they bowed down in obedience to God and Patrick."
King Laeghaire seems not to have become a Christian, but his chief bard and his two daughters were converted, as was a brother, who, we are told, gave his estate to Patrick for the founding of a church. From this time on, Patrick's apostolate, though carried on amid hardships and often at great risk, was favored by many powerful chieftains. The Druids, by and large, opposed him, for they felt their own power and position threatened. They combined many functions; they were prophets, philosophers, and priests; they served as councilors of kings, as judges, and teachers; they knew the courses of the stars and the properties of plants. Now they began to realize that the religion they represented was doomed. Even before the Christian missionaries came in strength, a curious prophecy was current among them. It was written in one of their ancient texts: "Adze-head (a name that the shape of the monk's tonsure might suggest) will come, with his crook-headed staff and his house (the word chasuble means also a little house) holed for his head. He will chant impiety from the table in the east of his house. All his household shall answer: Amen, Amen. When, therefore, all these things come to pass, our kingdom, which is a heathen one, will not stand." As a matter of fact, the Druids continued to exist in Christian Ireland, though with a change of name and a limited scope of activity. They subjected Patrick to imprisonment many times, but he always managed to escape.
In 439 three bishops, Secundinus, Auxilius, and Iserninus, were sent from Gaul to assist Patrick. Benignus, an Irish chieftain who was converted by Patrick, became his favorite disciple, his coadjutor in the see of Armagh, and, finally, his successor. One of Patrick's legendary victories was his overthrow of the idol of Crom Cruach in Leitrim, where he forthwith built a church. He traveled again in Ulster, to preach and found monasteries, then in Leinster and Munster. These missionary caravans must have impressed the people, for they gave the appearance of an entire village in motion. The long line of chariots and carts drawn by oxen conveyed the appurtenances of Christian worship, as well as foodstuffs, equipment, tools, and weapons required by the band of helpers who accompanied the leader. There would be the priestly assistants, singers and musicians, the drivers, hunters, wood-cutters, carpenters, masons, cooks, horsemen, weavers and embroiderers, and many more. When the caravan stopped at a chosen site, the people gathered, converts were won, and before many months a chapel or church and its outlying structures would be built and furnished. Thus were created new outposts in the struggle against paganism. The journeys were often dangerous. Once, Odrhan, Patrick's charioteer, as if forewarned, asked leave to take the chief seat in the chariot himself, while Patrick held the reins; they had proceeded but a short way in this fashion when the loyal Odrhan was killed by a spear thrust meant for his master.
About the year 442, tradition tells us, Patrick went to Rome and met Pope Leo the Great, who, it seemed, took special interest in the Irish Church. The time had now come for a definite organization According to the annals of Ulster, the cathedral church of Armagh was founded as the primatial see of Ireland on Patrick's return. He brought back with him valuable relics. Latin was established as the language of the Irish Church. There is mention of a synod held by Patrick, probably at Armagh. The rules then adopted are still preserved, with, possibly, some later interpolations. It is believed that this synod was called near the close of Patrick's labors on earth. He was now undoubtedly in more or less broken health; such austerities and constant journeyings as his must have weakened the hardiest constitution. The story of his forty-day fast on Croagh Patrick and the privileges he won from God by his prayers is also associated with the end of his life. Tirechan tells it thus: "Patrick went forth to the summit of Mount Agli, and remained there for forty days and forty nights, and the birds were a trouble to him, and he could not see the face of the heavens, the earth, or the sea, on account of them; for God told all the saints of Erin, past, present, and future, to come to the mountain summit-that mountain which overlooks all others, and is higher than all the mountains of the West-to bless the tribes of Erin, so that Patrick might see the fruit of his labors, for all the choir of the saints came to visit him there, who was the father of them all."
In all the ancient biographies of this saint the marvelous is continuously present. Fortunately, we have three of Patrick's own writings, which help us to see the man himself. His
"It was not any grace in me, but God who conquereth in me, and He resisted them all, so that I came to the heathen of Ireland to preach the Gospel and to bear insults from unbelievers, to hear the reproach of my going abroad and to endure many persecutions even unto bonds, the while that I was surrendering my liberty as a man of free condition for the profit of others. And if I should be found worthy, I am ready to give even my life for His name's sake unfalteringly and gladly, and there (in Ireland) I desire to spend it until I die, if our Lord should grant it to me."
Patrick's marvelous harvest filled him with gratitude. During an apostolate of thirty years he is reported to have consecrated some 350 bishops, and was instrumental in bringing the faith to many thousands. He writes, "Wherefore those in Ireland who never had the knowledge of God, but until now only worshiped idols and abominations, from them has been lately prepared a people of the Lord, and they are called children of God. Sons and daughters of Scottish chieftains are seen becoming monks and virgins of Christ." Yet hostility and violence still existed, for he writes later, "Daily I expect either a violent death, or robbery and a return to slavery, or some other calamity." He adds, like the good Christian he was, "I have cast myself into the hands of Almighty God, for He rules everything."
Patrick died about 461, and was buried near the fortress of Saul, in the vicinity of the future cathedral town of Down. He was intensely spiritual, a magnetic personality with great gifts for action and organization. He brought Ireland into much closer contact with Europe, especially with the Holy See. The building up of the weak Christian communities which he found on arrival and planting the faith in new regions give him his place as the patron of Ireland. His feast day is one of festivity, and widely observed. Patrick's emblems are a serpent, demons, cross, shamrock, harp, and baptismal font. The story of his driving snakes from Ireland has no factual foundation, and the tale of the shamrock, as a symbol used to explain the Trinity, is an accretion of much later date.
Isaiah 43: 16 - 21 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | Thus says the LORD, who makes a way in the sea, a path in the mighty waters, | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | who brings forth chariot and horse, army and warrior; they lie down, they cannot rise, they are extinguished, quenched like a wick: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | "Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | The wild beasts will honor me, the jackals and the ostriches; for I give water in the wilderness, rivers in the desert, to give drink to my chosen people, | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | the people whom I formed for myself that they might declare my praise.