LATEST NEWS CONCLAVE TO BEGIN MARCH 12 - VATICAN NEWSWOMEN'S DAY - TOP 10 CATHOLIC WOMENTODAY'S MASS ONLINE : FRI. MARCH 8, 2013CONCLAVE TO BEGIN NEXT TUESDAY, 12 MARCHVatican City, 8 March 2013 (VIS) – The eighth General Congregation of the College of Cardinals has decided that the Conclave will begin on Tuesday, 12 March 2013. A “pro eligendo Romano Pontifice” Mass will be celebrated in St. Peter’s Basilica that morning. In the afternoon, the cardinals will enter into the Conclave. EIGHTH GENERAL CONGREGATION THIS EVENING WILL VOTE ON DATE OF CONCLAVE Vatican City, 8 March 2013 (VIS) - Before beginning the press conference, Fr. Lombardi noted that today is International Women's Day and offered a bouquet of mimosas with a rose to a female journalist in representation of all women in keeping with the custom in the Vatican to give flowers to the women who work in the Holy See today. Continuing, Fr. Lombardi reported on the sixth General Congregation, which took place yesterday evening from 5:00pm until 7:00pm and was attended by 151 cardinals. Two newly arrived cardinals swore the oath: Cardinal Jean-Baptiste Pham Minh Man, metropolitan archbishop of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (Cardinal elector) and Cardinal Adam Joseph Maida, archbishop emeritus of Detroit, Michigan, USA (non elector). The entire complement of 115 Cardinal electors who were expected has thus arrived. During the course of the Congregation 16 interventions were given. In the seventh General Congregation this morning, 153 cardinals were present and, as there were no other new arrivals, no new oaths were sworn. All 115 expected Cardinal electors were present. The first act of the Congregation dealt with No. 38 of the Apostolic Constitution “Universi Dominici Gregis”, which states that the College of Cardinals must recognize the reasons for the absence of cardinals who will not be participating in the Conclave. “In this case there are two absences: Cardinal Julius Riyadi Darmaatmadja, S.J., archbishop emeritus of Jakarta, Indonesia, for health reasons and Cardinal Keith O’Brien, ex-archbishop of Edinburgh, Scotland, for personal reasons. The College voted to accept the absences for the reasons presented.” The next order of business was Cardinal Dean Angelo Sodano's presentation of No. 37 of the Apostolic Constitution “Universi Dominici Gregis”, recently modified by Benedict XVI's Motu Proprio, which now reads: “I furthermore decree that, from the moment when the Apostolic See is lawfully vacant, fifteen full days must elapse before the Conclave begins, in order to await those who are absent; nonetheless, the College of Cardinals is granted the faculty to move forward the start of the Conclave if it is clear that all the Cardinal electors are present; they can also defer, for serious reasons, the beginning of the election for a few days more. But when a maximum of twenty days have elapsed from the beginning of the vacancy of the See, all the Cardinal electors present are obliged to proceed to the election.” “Since all the expected Cardinal electors are now present”, Fr. Lombardi said, “the College can now prepare to decide the date of the Conclave, including whether to move the date up from 15 days after the beginning of the period of the Sede Vacante.” “The cardinals also commented on the Adopt-a-Cardinal prayer initiative that is being promoted on the web, which over 220,000 people have already subscribed to.” In signing up, participants are assigned, at random, a cardinal for whom they can pray during these days. During this morning's seventh General Congregation, there were 18 interventions on issues including: interreligious dialogue, contemporary culture, bioethics, justice in the world, the importance of the Church proclaiming a positive message of love and mercy, and collegiality. The role of women in the Church was also discussed. Since most of the cardinals have only spoken once, over a hundred cardinals have intervened and still others are signed up to address the gathering in the coming Congregations. Fr. Lombardi also mentioned the Domus Santa Martha, which will be the residence of the cardinals during the Conclave, explaining that the cardinals' rooms are assigned by lot drawn during the Congregations. “No cardinal chooses who will be his neighbour nor which room they would prefer. He noted that the newly elected Pontiff will also remain for a short period at the “Domus” while the papal apartments in the Apostolic Palace are unsealed and renovated. In another vein, he commented that the Holy See “is vacant but does not stop”, meaning that the Vatican's various dicasteries continue with their normal activities under the direction of their various department heads. He also provided the name of the preacher who will give the following meditation to the College of Cardinals, Cardinal Prospero Grech, O.S.A. Responding to previous questions regarding the preparations of the floor of the Sistine Chapel for the Conclave, the director of the Holy See Press Office clarified that “the elevation of the floor serves to render a uniform working space, covering the uneven pavement and the steps” that are around the altar and along the left wall of the chapel. |
VATICAN PUBLISHES BOOK OF BENEDICT XVI'S FINAL ADDRESSES AFTER RENOUNCING PONTIFICATE Vatican City, 8 March 2013 (VIS) - “I have never felt alone.” These words, pronounced by Benedict XVI during his last general audience as Pope on Wednesday, 27 February, form the title chosen by the Vatican Publishing House (“Libreria Editrice Vaticana”, LEV) for the newly published book containing Benedict XVI's final addresses. The front cover displays a photograph of the Pope greeting the faithful who had gathered to bid him farewell that day in St. Peter's Square. On the back appear the words he spoke from Castel Gandolfo on 28 February: “I am simply a pilgrim beginning the last leg of his pilgrimage on this earth.” The noted publishing house presents this book as a “small tribute”, a “sign of the LEV's fidelity to the Holy Father” who, as expressed in the book's introductory presentation, “we have accompanied from the beginning to the end of his Pontificate”. It is a simply bound volume that hopes to “be a sign of gratitude and appreciation”. In the same introduction, the LEV explains that the Vatican Publishing House's “catalogue has focused on the magisteria and teachings of Benedict XVI”. In this sense, the publishing house recalls that its mission is to “always be an instrument for spreading the word of God and the Magisterium”. The first text presented in the book is the declaration that Benedict XVI made in the consistory of 11 February, renouncing his ministry as Bishop of Rome. Following are his general audience catechesis on the morning of Wednesday, 13 February, his homily at the Ash Wednesday Mass that evening, and the greeting that the Pope received at the conclusion of that celebration from the Cardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone, S.D.B. The book also presents his meeting with the clergy of Rome on 14 February, the Angelus from 17 and 24 February, his reflection at the end of the Curia's Lenten retreat on the morning of 23 February, the text of his final general audience on the 27th, his greeting to the cardinals present in Rome on the morning of the 28th, and the words he addressed to the faithful of the Diocese of Albano who were awaiting him in the square in front of the Apostolic Palace at Castel Gandolfo in the early evening of that day. The book also contains the text of the Apostolic Letter with his Motu Proprio “Normas Nonnullas”, which modified some of the norms regulating the process of the election of the Roman Pontiff. The volume concludes with a brief biography of Benedict XVI. It is only available in Italian. |


Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu was born in Skopje, Macedonia, on August 26, 1910. The Bojaxhiu family was of Albanian descent. When she turned 18 she entered the Sisters of Loreto of Ireland. She took the name Teresa after St. Therese of Lisieux. She taught in a missionary school in India until 1948. While traveling through India she felt God calling her to serve the poorest of the poor. She received permission to leave her order and began to help the poor with volunteers. In 1950, she was given permission from the Vatican to start the order "The Missionaries of Charity".In 1979, she received the Nobel peace prize for her tireless work for the poor. (picture above)
Her order rapidly spread around the world to care for the poor, sick and marginalized in over 120 countries. She spoke of this ministry in her own words, "I once picked up a woman from a garbage dump and she was burning with fever; she was in her last days."

was born near the Rhine River, in Germany, in 1098 and died on September 17, 1179. She was a visionary, musician, doctor, abbess and theologian. She founded 2 monastaries. Hildegard composed Ordo Virtutem, the 1st passion play. She was taught in a monastery from the age of 8. Later she became an Abbess. She was the youngest of 10 children. Her books include: Scivias and Vita.

Mother Angelica was born in Canton, Ohio, on April 20, 1923, with the name Rita Rizzo. She founded the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) in 1980. She became a novice and then nun with the Poor Clares of Adoration in 1944. In 1962 she founded a house for the Poor Clares in Alabama. Her network has reached over 1 billion viewers world-wide. They run Catholic programming. It also offers a Website and Radio.

7. ST. TERESA BENEDICTA OF THE CROSS, born as Edith Stein, was a Jewish woman born in Breslau, Germany (now Wroclaw, Poland), on 12 October 1891, the youngest of 11. She was an academic and worked for a university. In 1917, Edith was converted when visiting a friend; she wrote "This was my first encounter with the Cross and the divine power it imparts to those who bear it ... it was the moment when my unbelief collapsed and Christ began to shine his light on me—Christ in the mystery of the Cross". On 1 January 1922 Edith Stein was baptized. She entered the Carmelite convent of Cologne on 14 October and was clothed in the habit on 15 April 1934.
During the time of Nazi power Edith Stein was arrested by the Gestapo on 2 August 1942, while she was in the chapel with the other sisters. She together with her sister Rosa, who had also converted and was serving at the convent. Her last words to her sister: "Come, we are going for our people". She and her sister were killed in Auschwitz. Her feast day is August 9.

Compiled by: Miriam Westen, M.Ed, MA Theology
March 8 is Women's Day. JCE is featuring women who have contributed significantly to society and the Church. Mrs. Elizabeth Ring-Cassidy is a model of womanhood for today.
Elizabeth Ring-Cassidy has a BA from St. Francis Xavier University and an MA in developmental psychology from the University of Guelph. She has a continued interest in Catholic Psychology and has taken American Psychological Association Continuing Credits in this area. Elizabeth is a Registered Psychologist in the Province of Alberta where she maintains a private practice in assessment and diagnosis of children and adolescents with developmental/learning disorders. As researcher for the deVeber Institute, Elizabeth has contributed to publications on Child Sexual Abuse; Single Parenting in Canada; the Elderly and Euthanasia and has published on a variety of topics around abortion’s aftermath. She has also co-authored developmental/educational research. Elizabeth has spoken widely on her research, and has served on the Society of Catholic Social Scientists.

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Her book is available for purchase
Elizabeth is also a Registered Psychologist in the province of Alberta. She specializes in the assessment and diagnosis of children and adolescents with learning disabilities and developmental disorders. At Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Academy she teaches the Developmental Psychology Course and is the Director of Counselling and Learning Support. She did her undergraduate work at St. Francis Xavier University and her graduate work at the University of Guelph, as well as having completed American Psychological Association accreditation in Catholic Psychology. Elizabeth has published widely in the areas of Life issues and serves as the Senior Research Associate to The deVeber Institute for Bioethics and Social Research in Toronto. In this capacity she has authored numerous monographs, academic papers and coauthored with Ian Gentles: Women’s Health After Abortion II: The Medical and Psychological Evidence. She is currently working on a third (3rd) edition of this book and travels extensively to speak at conferences and workshops on Life issues. She has served as the Secretary to the Society of Catholic Social Scientists and is currently the Research Editor for the Canadian Psychological Association’s Educational Section Newsletter. Elizabeth and her husband Keith have seven children and, at the moment, seven grandchildren.
shared from http://www.deveber.org/meet-us
Heavenly Father, we pray in union with the whole Church for the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Cardinals. May the Cardinals of the Church listen attentively to Your Holy Spirit during the conclave.
Almighty God, we pray that the conclave brings us a Pope who pleases You by guiding Your Church to grow in faithfulness to You. We pray together with the intercession of our Mother Mary and all the Saints. Please Lord, protect and guide your Church during this time of interim. (IMAGE SOURCE : GOOGLE )
1 Our Father
1 Hail Mary
1 Glory Be
1 Hail Mary
1 Glory Be
Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us.
For the more than 1.2 billion Christians around the world who are members of our Church, this is an important and solemn moment. The Cardinals of the Catholic Church, in prayer and meditation, free from interference by the outside world, will begin their Conclave to elect a new Successor to the Apostle Saint Peter.

The word “conclave” refers to a place with a key. Only a few staff are permitted occasional access to the Cardinals. They gather in prayer in the Sistine Chapel, just as before Pentecost the Apostles went to “the room upstairs” where they “constantly devoted themselves to prayer” (Acts of the Apostles, 1.13-14). The prayers of the Cardinals echo those almost 2,000 years ago: “Lord, you know everyone’s heart. Show us which one … you have chosen” (Acts 1.24). This time, however, it is not Peter who summons the brethren and addresses them. It is the Cardinals, brothers in faith, who meet to discern the one whom the Lord has chosen to hand on the keys he has given Peter, “the keys of the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 16.18).
My brothers and sisters, I extend an invitation to you, on behalf of the Bishops of Canada and our brother Bishops around the world. The invitation comes from us as “successors of the Apostles, who together with the successor of Peter, the Vicar of Christ, the visible Head of the whole Church, govern the house of the living God” (Second Vatican Council, Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium, no. 18). We invite each of you to join the Cardinals and the whole Church in praying to the Holy Spirit to show who is to be chosen as the new Successor of Peter.
As a sign and instrument of unity and communion, the new Pope will be called to lead the successors of the Apostles and all the faithful in apostolic teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread and the prayers (Acts 2.14, 37-42). Let us pray that he, with Peter and like Peter, will be bold and strong in his witness, standing with the Apostles, speaking out, exhorting those near and far away, and capable of moving hearts to conversion and reconciliation.
May our prayers themselves be a witness to our communion and unity as Church. May they strengthen and renew our belief as Catholics that “Jesus Christ, the Eternal Shepherd,” has “placed Blessed Peter over the other Apostles, and instituted in him a permanent and visible source and foundation of unity of faith and communion” (Lumen Gentium, no. 18).
+ Richard W. SmithArchbishop of Edmonton and
President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
March 8, 2013
Catholic Communications, Sydney Archdiocese REPORT
8 Mar 2013
8 Mar 2013

Catholic Women's Interfaith Fellowships celebrate women and create leaders
across Australia
across Australia
Women across Australia make a rich contribution to the Church. They are our primary evangelisers, instilling their love of God in their children. At a grass roots level women are also sources of inspiration not only to their children but to their families and communities and are the ones who live the Catholic ethos and celebrate their faith each and every day.
"In parishes and communities across the country, women really make a difference and today which is International Women's Day we want to pay tribute to them and celebrate the feminine genius as well as the role of women in the Church," says Donella Johnston, Director for the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference's (ACBC) Office for the Participation of Women (OPW).
Donella also wants to pay tribute to Australia's forward-thinking Catholic Bishops who more than a decade ago not only recognised the tremendous contribution made to the Church by women, but established what is believed to be the world's first-ever OPW to support and encourage women and through fellowships and other initiatives, give them opportunities for faith formation, theological study and leadership training.
As far as is known, other than Germany which recently founded an office similar to Australia's OPW, there are no other initiatives that have been specifically set up to build on the important role played by women in the Church.

Over the past three years 20 women in Sydney have entered religious life
"Back in 1996 Australia's bishops had a prophetic vision for the role of women in our Church. This was the year they commissioned a report focussing on the participation of women in the Australian Church," Donella explains.
Entitled: Woman and Man: One in Christ Jesus, the comprehensive wide-ranging report was released in 1999 and examined the different ways women participated in the Church, the assistance and support offered, the barriers to participation and ways that participation could be increased.
"The Church needs their gifts in all its life and mission," the Bishops announced and said the Report had revealed that many women felt frustrated at not being able to participate as fully as they would like and how they would like to be more involved in decision making in the Church and different areas of Church life and ministry.
At the start of the Millennium in 2000, the ACBC devoted its Social Justice Statement to the findings of the report and hope for the future, and the following year established the Office for the Participation of Women.
The first-ever Director of OPW was the much mourned and missed, Therese Vassarotti who died late last year at age 62 after a brief and courageous battle against acute myeloid leukaemia.

Donella Johnston Director of the National Office for the Participation of Women
"She was a true pioneer and a wonderful role model for Catholic women and girls," says Donella. "Therese was not only a true leader and highly regarded theologian and educator, but a daughter, wife, sister, mother and grandmother and a lifelong champion of women."
Faith was the wellspring of Therese's life and when she took up the role as Director of OPW she said one of her primary goals would be to "have men and women making decisions together and sharing their wisdom."
She also wanted to ensure to give a voice to those people who felt disenfranchised and to ensure they were not only listened to but heard.
"Therese was a true pioneer," says Donella who took over the role of Director in December 2011, describing her appointment as a "great honour and privilege."
Over the past 16 months, Donella has built on the legacy of Therese and is extremely proud and pleased that today there is at least one if not more women acting as OPW liaisons and representatives in every diocese across Australia. She is also thrilled with the ongoing success of the Young Catholic Women's Interfaith Fellowships where women from across the country enter a two year program to obtain a post-graduate degree in theology, deepen their faith and train as community leaders.
"Since 2006, when the program first began, we have had 27 women complete the program. Of this number, 21 are now employed by the Catholic Church in leadership positions with some working in Catholic Education, others are in health care as Directors of Mission or Coordinators of Mission. Still others are working with their Dioceses in Social Justice roles and in Interfaith initiatives," she says.

Therese Vassarotti will be remembered for her faith-filled life and contribution to the Church
This year a further 17 women have been given Fellowships which cover all costs of tuition, accommodation and travel during the part time studies over the next two years as well as the five retreats where they join together to discuss what they have learned and support one another.
In addition to supporting women of faith and encouraging them to share their skills, wisdom and gifts, OPW also promotes gender equality in the developing world, speaks out against gendercide and fights to eliminate gender disparity in education at both primary and secondary school levels as well as battling to eradicate poverty, reduce child mortality and improve health education.
Donella believes the establishment of an OPW is a reflection of the open mindedness of Australians and our pioneering spirit and believes much of this is due in part to the inspiration and legacy of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop.
Inspired by faith, courageous and determined St Mary of the Cross MacKillop founded schools for the poor, visited men and women in prison, championed the plight of women forced into prostitution and poverty, and founded the Congregation of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart, one of the world's first religious orders not to live in a convent but to live and work among those they helped and cared for.
To celebrate International Women's Day 2013, OPW and the Council for Australian Catholic Women have created prayers and resources for parishes across Australia either today or on Sunday, 10 March when many Churches will pay tribute to women.
These resources can be downloaded at www.opw.catholic.org.au
After saying he would appeal the ruling, the president decides to accept it. El Baradei warns of "Ignorance and manipulation". Morsi drops below 50 per cent in opinion polls in a country that has high unemployment and an economy that is hurting.
Cairo (AsiaNews/Agencies) - The Cairo Administrative Court said the electoral law promulgated by President Mohammed Morsi needed to be reviewed by the Supreme Constitutional Court. Initially, the president had said he would appeal but then relented, saying he would respect the ruling.
Last month, he had announced that the elections for the People's Assembly would take place in four stages over two months, starting on 22 April.
The main opposition coalition said it would boycott the polls because the electoral law favoured the president's Islamist allies, especially the Muslim Brotherhood.
Morsi's change of heart stems from a desire not to increase the resentment in the population. In fact, a number of observers have pointed out that his popularity has dropped below 50 per cent over the past few months.
For his part opposition leader Mohammed El Baradei noted that "Ignorance and manipulation of the essence of the rule of law are the characteristics of a fascistic state".
After the fall of Hosni Mubarak two years ago, the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafist groups have used Morsi's electoral success to manipulate the constitution and election law to boost their power.
Meanwhile, unemployment is up, at 13 per cent, and the economy is hurting. Disillusionment with Islamists is also setting in among ordinary Egyptians.
Young people and activists who fought to see Mubarak fall now see their ideals of democracy and equality betrayed by the growing Islamisation of Egyptian society and the rise of an authoritarian state.
After saying he would appeal the ruling, the president decides to accept it. El Baradei warns of "Ignorance and manipulation". Morsi drops below 50 per cent in opinion polls in a country that has high unemployment and an economy that is hurting.
Cairo (AsiaNews/Agencies) - The Cairo Administrative Court said the electoral law promulgated by President Mohammed Morsi needed to be reviewed by the Supreme Constitutional Court. Initially, the president had said he would appeal but then relented, saying he would respect the ruling.
Last month, he had announced that the elections for the People's Assembly would take place in four stages over two months, starting on 22 April.
The main opposition coalition said it would boycott the polls because the electoral law favoured the president's Islamist allies, especially the Muslim Brotherhood.
Morsi's change of heart stems from a desire not to increase the resentment in the population. In fact, a number of observers have pointed out that his popularity has dropped below 50 per cent over the past few months.
For his part opposition leader Mohammed El Baradei noted that "Ignorance and manipulation of the essence of the rule of law are the characteristics of a fascistic state".
After the fall of Hosni Mubarak two years ago, the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafist groups have used Morsi's electoral success to manipulate the constitution and election law to boost their power.
Meanwhile, unemployment is up, at 13 per cent, and the economy is hurting. Disillusionment with Islamists is also setting in among ordinary Egyptians.
Young people and activists who fought to see Mubarak fall now see their ideals of democracy and equality betrayed by the growing Islamisation of Egyptian society and the rise of an authoritarian state.
St. John of God
Feast: March 8
![]() Information:
Born at Montemor o Novo, Portugal, 8 March, 1495, of devout Christian parents; died at Granada, 8 March, 1550. The wonders attending the saints birth heralded a life many-sided in its interests, but dominated throughout by implicit fidelity to the grace of God. A Spanish priest whom he followed to Oropeza, Spain, in his ninth year left him in charge of the chief shepherd of the place, to whom he gradually endeared himself through his punctuality and fidelity to duty, as well as his earnest piety. When he had reached manhood, to escape his mastery well-meant, but persistent, offer of his daughter's hand in marriage, John took service for a time in the army of Charles V, and on the renewal of the proposal he enlisted in a regiment on its way to Austria to do battle with the Turks. Succeeding years found him first at his birthplace, saddened by the news of his mother's premature death, which had followed close upon his mysterious disappearance; then a shepherd at Seville and still later at Gibraltar, on the way to Africa, to ransom with his liberty Christians held captive by the Moors. He accompanied to Africa a Portuguese family just expelled from the country, to whom charity impelled him to offer his services. On the advice of his confessor he soon returned to Gilbratar, where, brief as had been the time since the invention of the printing-press, he inaugurated the Apostolate of the printed page, by making the circuit of the towns and villages about Gilbratar, selling religious books and pictures, with practically no margin of profit, in order to place them within the reach of all.
It was during this period of his life that he is said to have been granted the vision of the Infant Jesus, Who bestowed on him the name by which he was later known, John of God, also bidding him to go to Granada. There he was so deeply impressed by the preaching of Blessed John of Avila that he distributed his worldly goods and went through the streets of the city, beating his breast and calling on God for mercy. For some time his sanity was doubted by the people and he was dealt with as a madman, until the zealous preacher obliged him to desist from his lamentations and take some other method of atoning for his past life. He then made a pilgrimage to the shrine of Our Lady of Guadeloupe, where the nature of his vocation was revealed to him by the Blessed Virgin. Returning to Granada, he gave himself up to the service of the sick and poor, renting a house in which to care for them and after furnishing it with what was necessary, he searched the city for those afflicted with all manner of disease, bearing on his shoulders any who were unable to walk.
For some time he was alone in his charitable work soliciting by night the needful supplies, and by day attending scrupulously to the needs of his patients and the rare of the hospital; but he soon received the co-operation of charitable priests and physicians. Many beautiful stories are related of the heavenly guests who visited him during the early days of herculean tasks, which were lightened at times by St.Raphael in person. To put a stop to the saint's habit of exchanging his cloak with any beggar he chanced to meet, Don Sebastian Ramirez, Bishop of Tuy, had made for him a habit, which was later adopted in all its essentials as the religious garb of his followers, and he imposed on him for all time the name given him by the Infant Jesus, John of God. The saint's first two companions, Antonio Martin and Pedro Velasco, once bitter enemies who had scandalised all Granada with their quarrels and dissipations, were converted through his prayers and formed the nucleus of a fourishing congregation. The former advanced so far on the way of perfection that the saint on his death-bed commended him to his followers as his successor in the government of the order. The latter, Peter the Sinner, as he called himself, became a model of humility and charity.
Among the many miracles which are related of the saint the most famous is the one commemorated in the Office of his feast, his rescue of all the inmates during a fire in the Grand Hospital at Granada, he himself passing through the flames unscathed. His boundless charity extended to widows and orphans, those out of employment, poor students, and fallen women. After thirteen years of severe mortification, unceasing prayer, and devotion to his patients, he died amid the lamentations of all the inhabitants of Granada. His last illness had resulted from an heroic but futile effort to save a young man from drowning. The magistrates and nobility of the city crowded about his death-bed to express their gratitude for his services to the poor, and he was buried with the pomp usually reserved for princes. He was beatified by Urban VIII, 21 September, 1638, and canonized by Alexander VIII, 16 October, 1690. Pope Leo XIII made St. John of God patron of hospitals and the dying.
source: http://www.ewtn.com/saintsHoly/saints/J/stjohnofgod.asp#ixzz1oXNBt83Z
Mark 12: 28 - 34
28And one of the scribes came up and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing that he answered them well, asked him, "Which commandment is the first of all?"29Jesus answered, "The first is, `Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one;30and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.'31The second is this, `You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these."32And the scribe said to him, "You are right, Teacher; you have truly said that he is one, and there is no other but he;33and to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the strength, and to love one's neighbor as oneself, is much more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices."34And when Jesus saw that he answered wisely, he said to him, "You are not far from the kingdom of God." And after that no one dared to ask him any question.