LATEST FROM VATICAN - CONCLAVE TIMETABLE - CHIMNEY INSTALLED TO SIGNAL NEW POPEAMERICA : CLOCKS FORWARD AND NOVENA TO ST. JOSEPHAUSTRALIA : RIP FR. JOHN DALY PE - 60 YEARS IN PRIESTHOODCARDINALS PREPARE FOR IMMINENT CONCLAVEVatican City, 9 March 2013 (VIS) – “The first order of business of the eighth General Congregation, which met yesterday evening and in which 145 cardinals participated, was to vote on the date to begin the Conclave. Cardinal Dean Angelo Sodano, expressing the wishes of all and after having consulted with the Cardinal Carmelengo Tarcisio Bertone, S.D.B., regarding the preparations at the Domus Sanctae Marthae, proposed the date of Tuesday, 12 March. The overwhelming majority immediately voted in agreement,” reported Fr. Federico Lombardi, director of the Holy See Press Office. “There was no difference of opinion between the cardinals and the percentage of votes in favour of to those against was around 10 to one. Moreover,” Fr. Lombardi added, “the full complement of Cardinal electors was already reached and it was no longer considered necessary to wait further, as they already had time to reflect on their decision.” Vatican Radio RELEASE - During the course of the briefing for journalists on Saturday in the Press Office of the Holy See, Fr. Federico Lombardi, SJ, outlined a timetable for the ceremonies and proceedings on the first days of the upcoming Conclave. The times given below are tentative and approximate. (IMAGE SOURCE: GOOGLE) Tuesday, March 12th, 2013 (all times Rome local: GMT + 1)
16:30 – Procession from Pauline Chapel to Sistine Chapel 16:45 – Oath administered and Extra omnes! Proclaimed Followed by meditation by Card. Prosper Grech, OP Eventual 1st vote
19:30 – Cardinals return to Domus Sanctae Marthae Wednesday, March 13th, 2013 (all times Rome local: GMT + 1)
07:45 – Transfer from Domus S. Marthae to Sistine Chapel 08:15 – Mass 09:30 – Hora Media in Sistine Chapel Morning vote(s) (scrutiny(ies) taken
13:00 – Lunch 16:00 – Cardinals return to Sistine Chapel 16:50 – Scrutinies taken 19:15 – Vespers 19:30 – Cardinals return to Domus Sanctae Marthae Fifteen cardinals intervened during the course of the Congregation and two newly arrived cardinals were sworn in, neither of which is a Cardinal elector: Cardinal Miguel Obando Bravo, S.D.B., archbishop emeritus of Managua, Nicaragua, and Cardinal Gaudencio Borbon Rosales, archbishop emeritus of Manila, Philippines. During the ninth General Congregation that met this morning, the cardinals spoke about moving into the Domus Sanctae Marthae, which will be their residence for the duration of the Conclave. “It was agreed by majority that the move will take place on Tuesday morning, beginning from 7:00am, that is, the same day that the Conclave begins. A “Pro eligendo Romano Pontifice” Mass will be celebrated by the Cardinal Dean at 10:00am that morning in St. Peter's Square. Rooms were also assigned, by lot.” “This morning 17 cardinals intervened, speaking on the same general themes that have been previously reported, including: expectations regarding the new Pope, activities of the Holy See and its Dicasteries, and improving the Curia. In total, there have been 133 interventions in the General Congregations and, keeping in mind those scheduled for Monday, that number will probably reach 150.” At the end of the press conference, the schedule for the sessions of the Conclave was presented. On Tuesday at 3:45pm, the cardinals will move from the Domus Sanctae Marthae to the Pauline Chapel in the Apostolic Palace. At 4:30pm, the cardinals will process from the Pauline Chapel to the Sistine Chapel and, after they have all taken the oath, the Master of Papal Liturgical Celebrations will give the order “Extra omnes” for all those not taking part in the Conclave to leave the Sistine Chapel. The cardinals will listen to a meditation given by Cardinal Grech, concerning the grave duty incumbent on them and thus on the need to act with right intention for the good of the Universal Church, after which they will proceed to the first vote. At 7:00pm they will pray Vespers and, at 7:30pm, will return to the Domus Sanctae Marthae. Beginning on Wednesday, 13 March, the cardinals will move from the Domus Sanctae Marthae to the Pauline Chapel at 7:45am where, at 8:15am, they will celebrate Mass. At 9:30am they will enter the Sistine Chapel, pray the Liturgy of the Hours, and proceed to the voting process. Around 12:00pm they will return to the Domus Sanctae Marthae and, after lunch there, will go back to the Sistine Chapel at 4:00pm where they will pray briefly and resume the voting procedure until 7:00pm. This coming Monday, 11 March, all the auxiliary personnel needed to ensure the smooth operations of the Conclave will take the oath of secrecy and those images will be broadcast by Vatican Television. Since there are two votes each morning and afternoon, Fr. Lombardi stated that the 'fumata' (smoke signalling the election or non-election of a pontiff) that is produced from the burning of the ballots from those two voting processes could be expected around 12:00pm, in the case of the morning, or 7:00pm, in the case of the evening, unless the first of the two votes produces an election. In such an instance, the “fumata” would obviously take place earlier. The Director of the Holy See Press Office also recalled the procedure in the case that a pontiff is not elected in the first four days of voting. In such an instance the cardinals will take a pause on the fifth day in order to pray, speak freely among themselves, and listen to a brief exhortation given by the senior cardinal in the Order of Deacons. The scrutinies will proceed in a similar fashion—two days of voting with every third day taken to pause for prayer—until the 34th vote on the afternoon of the eleventh day. In such an event, No. 75 of the Apostolic Constitution "Universi Dominici Gregis" modified by Benedict XVI's recent "Motu Proprio" would apply, which states: “If the balloting mentioned in Nos. 72, 73, and 74 of the aforementioned Constitution does not result in an election, one day shall be dedicated to prayer, reflection and dialogue; in the successive balloting, observing the order established in No. 74 of the same Constitution, only the two names which received the greatest number of votes in the previous scrutiny, will have passive voice. There can be no waiving of the requirement that, in these ballots too, for a valid election to take place there must be a clear majority of at least two thirds of the votes of the Cardinals present and voting. In these ballots the two names having passive voice do not have active voice.” That is, the two candidates with the greatest number of votes will be voted for and cannot themselves cast a vote. Fr. Lombardi reported that the commission that, under the direction of the Camerlengo, is responsible for sealing the entrances to the areas of the Conclave and carrying out the other operations necessary for the safeguarding of the Conclave was established. It is led by the Cardinal Camerlengo and among its members are the Substitute of the Secretariat of State, the Commandant of the Swiss Guards, members of the Gendarmerie, and notaries. Finally he reported that the Pope's Fisherman's Ring—which exists in two forms, the ring itself and as a stamp used to seal documents—as well as two stamps—a larger and a smaller one—and the master lead seal of the pontificate were all destroyed, the images scratched out in the form of a cross to render them useless. The next Pope's ring will bear the same image of Peter casting his net but, naturally, will have the new pontiff's name inscribed above the image. It was also communicated that tomorrow, Sunday, 10 March, various cardinals will celebrate Mass at their titular churches, inviting the faithful to pray for the Church and for the election of the new pontiff. |
Vatican City, 9 March 2013 (VIS) – The chimney on the roof of the Sistine Chapel, which will emit the smoke to indicating the election (white smoke) or non-election (black smoke) of a pope, was installed this morning, three days before the Conclave is scheduled to begin. That, however, is not the only change taking place in the chapel. Vatican Television is recording the preparations and those images are then distributed to all media outlets that request it for broadcasting around the world. Work began on Tuesday, 5 March, at 1:00pm when restorers, electricians, mechanics, carpenters, seamstresses, assemblers, electronic technicians and other labourers from various areas of competence suddenly replaced the hundreds of tourists who visit the Sistine Chapel every day. “The Chapel is closed to the public. We are preparing for the Conclave,” employees respond to the questions asked by perplexed visitors who are trying to finish their tour of the Vatican Museums with a glimpse of Michelangelo's “Creation of Adam”. Journalists are already in the know. The Director of the Holy See Press Office, Fr. Federico Lombardi, S.J., has been holding daily press conferences, giving a general overview of the proceedings of the General Congregations and explaining the images of the preparations that are being carried out around Vatican City. From within the Sistine Chapel we see scaffolding around the stoves that will burn the ballots to erect the stove pipe that releases the smoke from the roof of the chapel, shorter tubing for the scaffolding that will elevate the floor and create a uniform area to work on, lengths of cloth and the seamstresses sowing them together to create table covers... On Wednesday, 6 March, for example, Vatican Television provided raw video of workers installing a large platform for the chimney and flooring sheets over the original mosaic pavement, both to protect the mosaics and to make it easier to build the elevated floor above it, which will provide the cardinals with an even expanse to walk and work upon. Around the altar, 115 cherry wood chairs have been put in place, each engraved with the name of the cardinal who will occupy it, with 12 wooden tables covered in beige and bordeaux fabric where the cardinals will prepare their ballots. They will cast their votes in front of Michelangelo's fresco of “The Last Judgment” on the wall of the altar. After the chimney is installed it will be submitted to a series of tests using chemicals to emit a yellow smoke so as not to confuse the increased number of passers-by in St. Peter's Square. The chimney is just the last piece of the mechanism that will produce the smoke. The two iron stoves it is attached to were installed yesterday. The first stove, cast in 1938, has the dates of the five Conclaves it has been used in etched upon it—from the one electing Pius XII in 1939 until the latest, in 2005, when Cardinal Ratzinger became Benedict XVI. This older oven is used to burn the balloting papers. The modern one, equipped with an electronic device, will add the chemicals to produce the black or white smoke indicating the result of the voting until the election occurs. There are two voting sessions planned for each morning and each afternoon that the Conclave continues. At the moment, the chimney is at the centre of the media's curiosity. Next Tuesday afternoon it will hold the attention of millions around the world. Besides the Cardinal electors, the only others who will be present in the Sistine Chapel are the Master of Papal Liturgical Celebrations and Cardinal Prospero Grech, O.S.A., who will preach the second meditation provided for in No. 13 of the Apostolic Constitution “Universi Dominici Gregis” to the Cardinal electors. |
Sunday, March 10, at 2am the clocks will move forward 1 hour in the USA and Canada. This is called "Daylight Savings Time" or "Spring Forward".
strong, so prompt before the Throne of God, I
place in you all my interests and desires.
Oh St. Joseph do assist me by your powerful
intercession and obtain for me from your
Divine Son all spiritual blessings through
Jesus Christ, Our Lord; so that having engaged
here below your Heavenly power I may offer my
Thanksgiving and Homage to the Loving of
Oh St. Joseph, I never weary contemplating you
and Jesus asleep in your arms. I dare not
approach while He reposes near your heart.
Press Him in my name and kiss His fine Head
for me, and ask Him to return the kiss when I
draw my dying breath.
St. Joseph, Patron of departing souls, pray
for us. Amen
place in you all my interests and desires.
Oh St. Joseph do assist me by your powerful
intercession and obtain for me from your
Divine Son all spiritual blessings through
Jesus Christ, Our Lord; so that having engaged
here below your Heavenly power I may offer my
Thanksgiving and Homage to the Loving of
Oh St. Joseph, I never weary contemplating you
and Jesus asleep in your arms. I dare not
approach while He reposes near your heart.
Press Him in my name and kiss His fine Head
for me, and ask Him to return the kiss when I
draw my dying breath.
St. Joseph, Patron of departing souls, pray
for us. Amen
Luke 18: 9 - 14 | |
9 | He also told this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous and despised others: |
10 | "Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. |
11 | The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, `God, I thank thee that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. |
12 | I fast twice a week, I give tithes of all that I get.' |
13 | But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, `God, be merciful to me a sinner!' |
14 | I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for every one who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted." |


Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu was born in Skopje, Macedonia, on August 26, 1910. The Bojaxhiu family was of Albanian descent. When she turned 18 she entered the Sisters of Loreto of Ireland. She took the name Teresa after St. Therese of Lisieux. She taught in a missionary school in India until 1948. While traveling through India she felt God calling her to serve the poorest of the poor. She received permission to leave her order and began to help the poor with volunteers. In 1950, she was given permission from the Vatican to start the order "The Missionaries of Charity".In 1979, she received the Nobel peace prize for her tireless work for the poor. (picture above)
Her order rapidly spread around the world to care for the poor, sick and marginalized in over 120 countries. She spoke of this ministry in her own words, "I once picked up a woman from a garbage dump and she was burning with fever; she was in her last days."

was born near the Rhine River, in Germany, in 1098 and died on September 17, 1179. She was a visionary, musician, doctor, abbess and theologian. She founded 2 monastaries. Hildegard composed Ordo Virtutem, the 1st passion play. She was taught in a monastery from the age of 8. Later she became an Abbess. She was the youngest of 10 children. Her books include: Scivias and Vita.

Mother Angelica was born in Canton, Ohio, on April 20, 1923, with the name Rita Rizzo. She founded the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) in 1980. She became a novice and then nun with the Poor Clares of Adoration in 1944. In 1962 she founded a house for the Poor Clares in Alabama. Her network has reached over 1 billion viewers world-wide. They run Catholic programming. It also offers a Website and Radio.

7. ST. TERESA BENEDICTA OF THE CROSS, born as Edith Stein, was a Jewish woman born in Breslau, Germany (now Wroclaw, Poland), on 12 October 1891, the youngest of 11. She was an academic and worked for a university. In 1917, Edith was converted when visiting a friend; she wrote "This was my first encounter with the Cross and the divine power it imparts to those who bear it ... it was the moment when my unbelief collapsed and Christ began to shine his light on me—Christ in the mystery of the Cross". On 1 January 1922 Edith Stein was baptized. She entered the Carmelite convent of Cologne on 14 October and was clothed in the habit on 15 April 1934.
During the time of Nazi power Edith Stein was arrested by the Gestapo on 2 August 1942, while she was in the chapel with the other sisters. She together with her sister Rosa, who had also converted and was serving at the convent. Her last words to her sister: "Come, we are going for our people". She and her sister were killed in Auschwitz. Her feast day is August 9.

Compiled by: Miriam Westen, M.Ed, MA Theology
In honor of Women's Day here is another talented Catholic witness in our time:
Mrs. Karen Hanlon is an artist whose canvas is a hollowed egg shell. She has created many designs using traditional methods and symbols and offered the countless hours working on eggs as a prayer. This dedicated mother of four beautiful children also works at Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Academy full-time. Her many years as a pysanky artist displays her great talent for art.
What are Pysanky? (Shared from OLSWA)
Mrs. Karen Hanlon is an artist whose canvas is a hollowed egg shell. She has created many designs using traditional methods and symbols and offered the countless hours working on eggs as a prayer. This dedicated mother of four beautiful children also works at Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Academy full-time. Her many years as a pysanky artist displays her great talent for art.
What are Pysanky? (Shared from OLSWA)
Ukrainian Easter eggs, or pysanky, are powerful symbols of the Easter mystery of Christ’s death and resurrection for the salvation of mankind. In pre-Christian times the people of Eastern Europe exchanged decorated eggs in the spring as a sign of their joy in the return of new life after a long winter. When Ukraine was converted to Christianity in 980AD, these decorated eggs took on a whole new meaning. They became symbols of the rising of Christ from the dead, and of the new life we receive in Him. The designs on the eggs have special meanings as well, and tell the story of the Easter message. That is why pysanky, like icons, are said to be “written” rather than “painted.” Traditionally the writing of Ukrainian Easter eggs has been accompanied by prayer and fasting, and all the time spent working on an egg is offered up as a prayer for the person to whom it will be given. Below are some of Karen's creations:
Vale Fr Daly
Wednesday 6 March 2013
FATHER John Daly PE died peacefully on 2 March 2013 at Nazareth House.
Father Daly was ordained on 8 June 1952 at St Patrick's, Carlow, Ireland and arrived in Melbourne in December 1952. Father Daly joined a long line of dedicated priests who came to Melbourne to assist in the rapidly developing Catholic community emerging from her Irish foundations to a diverse multicultural reality in a post WWII world. He, like so many, left his homeland with a sense of mission and deep faith in God's goodness.
Father Daly committed 60 years of his life to the priestly service of the Catholic Church in Melbourne. He was Assistant Priest at the parishes of Glen Huntly, West St Kilda and Northcote, whereupon he then became Administrator. He was then appointed Parish Priest at Yea, Dandenong, North, Baiwyn, East Coburg, East Brighton and then was appointed to Frankston East Parish as Assistant Priest. Father Daly was appointed Pastor Emeritus in 1987 and resided at St Albans parish until 2007 when he moved to Justin Villa and later to Nazareth House.
The Pontifical Funeral Mass will be celebrated this week.
Where: Sacred Heart Church, St Albans
When: Thursday, 7 March 2013 at 11:00am.
Following light refreshments at the Parish, the cortege will leave for burial at the Priests' Crypt, Melbourne General Cemetery.

Father Daly was ordained on 8 June 1952 at St Patrick's, Carlow, Ireland and arrived in Melbourne in December 1952. Father Daly joined a long line of dedicated priests who came to Melbourne to assist in the rapidly developing Catholic community emerging from her Irish foundations to a diverse multicultural reality in a post WWII world. He, like so many, left his homeland with a sense of mission and deep faith in God's goodness.
Father Daly committed 60 years of his life to the priestly service of the Catholic Church in Melbourne. He was Assistant Priest at the parishes of Glen Huntly, West St Kilda and Northcote, whereupon he then became Administrator. He was then appointed Parish Priest at Yea, Dandenong, North, Baiwyn, East Coburg, East Brighton and then was appointed to Frankston East Parish as Assistant Priest. Father Daly was appointed Pastor Emeritus in 1987 and resided at St Albans parish until 2007 when he moved to Justin Villa and later to Nazareth House.
The Pontifical Funeral Mass will be celebrated this week.
Where: Sacred Heart Church, St Albans
When: Thursday, 7 March 2013 at 11:00am.
Following light refreshments at the Parish, the cortege will leave for burial at the Priests' Crypt, Melbourne General Cemetery.
Heavenly Father, we pray in union with the whole Church for the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Cardinals. May the Cardinals of the Church listen attentively to Your Holy Spirit during the conclave.
Almighty God, we pray that the conclave brings us a Pope who pleases You by guiding Your Church to grow in faithfulness to You. We pray together with the intercession of our Mother Mary and all the Saints. Please Lord, protect and guide your Church during this time of interim. (IMAGE SOURCE : GOOGLE )
1 Our Father
1 Hail Mary
1 Glory Be
Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us.
Heavenly Father, we pray in union with the whole Church for the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Cardinals. May the Cardinals of the Church listen attentively to Your Holy Spirit during the conclave.
Almighty God, we pray that the conclave brings us a Pope who pleases You by guiding Your Church to grow in faithfulness to You. We pray together with the intercession of our Mother Mary and all the Saints. Please Lord, protect and guide your Church during this time of interim. (IMAGE SOURCE : GOOGLE )
1 Our Father
1 Hail Mary
1 Glory Be
1 Hail Mary
1 Glory Be
Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us.
Agenzia Fides REPORT - The Christian communities in Zambia launch a new initiative to combat violence against women, a phenomenon of vast size in the country. According to official statistics, 47% of women in Zambia have experienced some form of sexual or physical violence since the age of 15, including beatings and rapes that sometimes lead to their death.
Under the impetus of the Anglican Church in the country, the Christian communities in several cities have set up "development and comparison groups among women" to increase awareness of the issues, provide assistance and help women to create an income and a certain degree of economic independence. The Church offers support and advice, with the help of international non governmental organizations.
"When women are economically dependent from men, they do not have access to information about their rights, they lack a voice in their communities, are vulnerable to abuse and violence. The Church takes stand against this approach for the good of the community," said the campaign which has just been launched. Grazia Mazala Phiri, national director of programs for the Anglican Church in Zambia notes: "We intend to support women and rebuild social relationships, for women to live in their communities, in the workplace and at home safely.
Rev. Albert Chama, Anglican Archbishop of Central Africa said that "as Christians, we support women to achieve equality in all spheres of life, starting from education." (Agenzia Fides 09/03/2013)
Under the impetus of the Anglican Church in the country, the Christian communities in several cities have set up "development and comparison groups among women" to increase awareness of the issues, provide assistance and help women to create an income and a certain degree of economic independence. The Church offers support and advice, with the help of international non governmental organizations.
"When women are economically dependent from men, they do not have access to information about their rights, they lack a voice in their communities, are vulnerable to abuse and violence. The Church takes stand against this approach for the good of the community," said the campaign which has just been launched. Grazia Mazala Phiri, national director of programs for the Anglican Church in Zambia notes: "We intend to support women and rebuild social relationships, for women to live in their communities, in the workplace and at home safely.
Rev. Albert Chama, Anglican Archbishop of Central Africa said that "as Christians, we support women to achieve equality in all spheres of life, starting from education." (Agenzia Fides 09/03/2013)
by Jibran Khan
The attack followed altercation between a young Christian and a Islamic barber: the Muslim insulted Christianity and then reported the boy for blasphemy. The mob looted, stoned, doused in acid and then burned the Christian settlement. Local imam: "We'll find the Christian and kill him."
Lahore (AsiaNews) - This morning, an angry mob set fire to over 100 homes in the Joseph Colony Christian settlement, near Badami Bah (Lahore). Residents were forced to flee and at least 35 people were injured. The attack resulted from an accusation of blasphemy registered against one of the settlement residents, Sawan Masih, who yesterday afternoon had an altercation with a Muslim.
According to initial reports, the 26 year old Christian went to the Islamic barber for a haircut, but the store owner, Imran Shahid, refused to serve him. A heated discussion arose between the two, and the Muslim reportedly used offensive words about Christianity.
Together with other people, Shahid then went to the nearby police station, the group recorded a charge of blasphemy against Masih (art.295C), arguing that the young man was drunk and had insulted the Prophet Muhammad. Shortly after, the police arrested the Christian. The maximum penalty under that law is life imprisonment.
The anger of the Islamic community did not subside however, and this morning a large group of people ransacked Joseph Colony, then set fire to the homes. "We were working like every day - Salamat Masih, a resident of the settlement toldAsiaNews - when we started to hear a noise, and suddenly a wall of people fell upon the colony. They threw acid and stoned our houses, then set them on fire. The authorities intervened only when everything was destroyed". The local imam said Sawan will be killed when found.
Human rights associations, such as Masihi Foundation and Life for All rushed to the scene to help the victims. For Msgr. Rufin Anthony, bishop of Islamabad-Rawalpindi, "it is very sad to see that minorities in Pakistan are not safe and are targeted for their religion. It is vital that we work for national harmony.
by Jibran Khan
The attack followed altercation between a young Christian and a Islamic barber: the Muslim insulted Christianity and then reported the boy for blasphemy. The mob looted, stoned, doused in acid and then burned the Christian settlement. Local imam: "We'll find the Christian and kill him."
Lahore (AsiaNews) - This morning, an angry mob set fire to over 100 homes in the Joseph Colony Christian settlement, near Badami Bah (Lahore). Residents were forced to flee and at least 35 people were injured. The attack resulted from an accusation of blasphemy registered against one of the settlement residents, Sawan Masih, who yesterday afternoon had an altercation with a Muslim.
According to initial reports, the 26 year old Christian went to the Islamic barber for a haircut, but the store owner, Imran Shahid, refused to serve him. A heated discussion arose between the two, and the Muslim reportedly used offensive words about Christianity.
Together with other people, Shahid then went to the nearby police station, the group recorded a charge of blasphemy against Masih (art.295C), arguing that the young man was drunk and had insulted the Prophet Muhammad. Shortly after, the police arrested the Christian. The maximum penalty under that law is life imprisonment.
The anger of the Islamic community did not subside however, and this morning a large group of people ransacked Joseph Colony, then set fire to the homes. "We were working like every day - Salamat Masih, a resident of the settlement toldAsiaNews - when we started to hear a noise, and suddenly a wall of people fell upon the colony. They threw acid and stoned our houses, then set them on fire. The authorities intervened only when everything was destroyed". The local imam said Sawan will be killed when found.
Human rights associations, such as Masihi Foundation and Life for All rushed to the scene to help the victims. For Msgr. Rufin Anthony, bishop of Islamabad-Rawalpindi, "it is very sad to see that minorities in Pakistan are not safe and are targeted for their religion. It is vital that we work for national harmony.
St. Dominic Savio
Feast: March 9
![]() Information:
Here is a boy-saint who died at the age of fifteen, was one of the great hopes of St. John Bosco for the future of his congregation, and was canonized in 1954.
He was one of ten children of Carlo and Birgitta Savio. Carlo was a blacksmith and Birgitta was a seamstress. When Don Bosco was looking for young men to train as priests for his Salesian Order, his parish priest suggested Dominic Savio. Dominic became more than a credit to Don Bosco's school—he single-handedly organized those who were to be the nucleus of Don Bosco's order.
St. Dominic Savio was twelve when he met Don Bosco and organized a group of boys into the Company of the Immaculate Conception. Besides its religious purpose, the boys swept and took care of the school and looked after the boys that no one seemed to pay any attention to. When, in 1859, Don Bosco chose the young men to be the first members of his congregation, all of them had been members of Dominic's Company.
For all that, Dominic was a normal, high-spirited boy who sometimes got into trouble with his teachers because he would often break out laughing. However, he was generally well disciplined and gradually gained the respect of the tougher boys in Don Bosco's school.
In other circumstances, Dominic might have become a little self-righteous snob, but Don Bosco showed him the heroism of the ordinary and the sanctity of common sense. "Religion must be about us as the air we breathe," Don Bosco would say, and Dominic Savio wore holiness like the clothes on his back.
He called his long hours of prayer "his distractions." In 1857, at the age of fifteen, he caught tuberculosis and was sent home to recover. On the evening of March 9, he asked his father to say the prayers for the dying. His face lit up with an intense joy and he said to his father: "I am seeing most wonderful things!" These were his last words.
Thought for the Day: "I can't do big things," St. Dominic Savio once said, "but I want everything to be for the glory of God." His was the way of the ordinary: cheerfulness, fidelity in little things, helping others, playing games, obeying his superiors. This heroism in little things is the stuff of holiness.
(Taken from Catholic Encyclopedia) |
SOURCE: http://www.ewtn.com/saintsHoly/saints/D/stdominicsavio.asp#ixzz1od3tcqkJ
St. Frances of Rome
Feast: March 9
![]() Information:
One of the greatest mystics of the fifteenth century; born at Rome, of a noble family, in 1384; died there, 9 March, 1440.
Her youthful desire was to enter religion, but at her father's wish she married, at the age of twelve, Lorenzo de' Ponziani. Among her children we know of Battista, who carried on the family name, Evangelista, a child of great gifts (d. 1411), and Agnes (d. 1413). Frances was remarkable for her charity to the poor, and her zeal for souls. She won away many Roman ladies from a life of frivolity, and united them in an association of oblates attached to the White Benedictine monastery of Santa Maria Nuova; later they became the Benedictine Oblate Congregation of Tor di Specchi (25 March, 1433) which was approved by Eugene IV (4 July, 1433). Its members led the life of religious, but without the strict cloister or formal vows, and gave themselves up to prayer and good works. With her husband's consent Frances practiced continency, and advanced in a life of contemplation. Her visions often assumed the form of drama enacted for her by heavenly personages. She had the gift of miracles and ecstasy, we well as the bodily vision of her guardian angel, had revelations concerning purgatory and hell, and foretold the ending of the Western Schism. She could read the secrets of consciences and detect plots of diabolical origin. She was remarkable for her humility and detachment, her obedience and patience, exemplified on the occasion ofher husband's banishment, the captivity of Battista, her sons' death, and the loss of all herproperty.
On the death of her husband (1436) she retired among her oblates at Tor di Specchi, seeking admission for charity's sake, and was made superior. On the occasion of a visit to her son, she fell ill and died on the day she had foretold. Her canonization was preceded by three processes (1440, 1443, 1451) and Paul V declared her a saint on 9 May, 1608, assigning 9 March as her feast day. Long before that, however, the faithful were wont to venerate her body in the church of Santa Maria Nuova in the Roman Forum, now known as the church of Santa Francesca Romana.
(Taken From Catholic Encyclopedia) |
source: http://www.ewtn.com/saintsHoly/saints/F/stfrancesofrome.asp#ixzz1od3aPzAS
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