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GENERAL SECRETARY OF COMMUNIST PARTY OF VIETNAM Vatican City, 22 January, 2013 (VIS) – This morning the Holy Father received in audience the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, His Excellency Nguyen Phu Trong. Following the audience with the Pope, First Secretary Trong and his entourage then went on to meet with Cardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone, S.D.B., accompanied by Archbishop Dominique Mamberti, secretary for Relations with States. This is the first time that a general secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam has met with the Supreme Pontiff and other administrators of the Secretariat of State. During the course of cordial discussions, topics of interest to Vietnam and the Holy See were covered, expressing the hope that some pending situations may be resolved and that the existing fruitful cooperation may be strengthened. |
Vatican City, 22 January, 2013 (VIS) – This morning in the Press Office of the Holy See, the schedule for the Study Day “The Code: A Reform Desired and Requested by the Council” (25 January, Pius X Hall, Rome) marking the 30th anniversary of the promulgation of the Code of Canon Law was presented. The study day has been organized by the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts and the International Institute of Canon Law and Comparative Studies of Religion in Lugano, Switzerland and is sponsored by the Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI) Vatican Foundation and the John Paul II Foundation. Participating in the conference were Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, president of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, Bishop Juan Ignacio Arrieta, secretary of that dicastery, and Msgr. Giuseppe Antonio Scotti, president of the Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI) Vatican Foundation. Cardinal Coccopalmerio began his address with the recollection that Blessed John XXIII, in his speech convening Vatican Council II in 1959, explained that the Council’s legal scope was to bring about the awaited revision of the 1917 Code. “In his broad perspective, the Pope saw clearly that the revision of the Code had to be guided by the new ecclesiology that emerged from an ecumenical and a global summit such as the Council.” Blessed John Paul II, under whose pontificate the Code was promulgated, also repeated that “the council’s ecclesiological structure clearly required a renewed formulation of its laws”. “As John Paul II emphasized at the beginning of the Apostolic Constitution ‘Sacrae disciplinae leges’, the reason for the close relationship between Vatican Council II and the Code of Canon Law was that the 1983 Code was the culmination of Vatican II … in two ways: on the one hand, it embraces the Council, solemnly reproposing fundamental institutions and major innovations and, on the other, establishing positive norms for implementing the Council.” The president of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts then cited various examples of the strong bond between Vatican Council II and the Code of Canon Law. The first is the “doctrine regarding the episcopate and the relationship between the episcopate and the primate, that is, episcopal collegiality. This is not entirely new doctrine in the deep consciousness of the Church but rather a happy discovery. The Code firstly, in canons 330–341, represents this clearly, and secondly, in canons 342–348, accompanies it with the positive view that constitutes the structure of the Synod of Bishops, allowing effective implementation of the structure of episcopal collegiality.” A second example is the “Council’s teaching on the laity and therefore on the appropriate and active mission of the lay faithful in the life of the Church. Once again, this is not absolutely new but more a rediscovery … through a series of regulations … regarding the diocesan pastoral council or … the parochial pastoral council. They are structures that allow the faithful laity to effectively participate in the pastoral decisions of the bishop or the pastor. This innovation is also the eloquent voice of the faithful relationship between Council and Code.” “A third example may come from the conception of the parish as presented by the Council and implemented by the Code. Ultimately, the Council conceives of the parish as a community of believers, not as a structure or a territory. This represents an important innovation with respect to the previous point of view. The Code receives this concept, particularly in canon 515, and sanctions it with the positive regulations of the following canons.” A final example of doctrine and innovation provided by the Council in the area of ecumenism “resides in the conciliar documents ‘Lumen gentium’, ‘Orientalium Ecclesiarum’, and ‘Unitatis redintegratio’, which show the doctrine of ecclesial communion as still imperfect yet real and existent between the Catholic Church and other Churches or non-Catholic communities. This is also a fact of incalculable value and scope already found in the Council and then later in the Code (cf. canon 844), with the possibility of welcoming non-Catholic Christians, even if under specific conditions, into the sacraments of the Catholic Church. “In conclusion,” finished the cardinal, “we can affirm that the happy union between Vatican Council II and the Code of Canon Law has produced fruits of renewal in the life of the Church in many areas and on many levels.” |
ACTS Vatican City, 22 January 2013 (VIS) – Today, the Holy Father appointed: - Fr. Daniel Jodoin as bishop of Bathurst (area 18,770, population 113,900, Catholics 103,700, priests 47, religious 166), Canada. The bishop-elect was born in 1957 in Granby, Quebec, Canada, was a novice of the Verbites, and was ordained to the priesthood in 1992, having completed his formation at the seminary of Sherbrooke, Canada. He holds a licentiate in Dogmatic Theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. Since his ordination he has served in several pastoral and administrative roles, most recently as pastor of Bon-Pasteur parish in Sherbrooke, director of the Office for the Clergy, and coordinator of the Sherbrooke Seminary. - Msgr. Gerardo Antonazzo as bishop of Sora-Aquino-Pontecorvo (area 1,426, population 155,900, Catholics 152,900, priests 103, religious 187, permanent deacons 16), Italy. The bishop-elect was born in Supersano, Puglia, Italy in 1956 and was ordained to the priesthood in 1981, having completed his formation at the Major Seminary of Rome, Italy. He holds a licentiate in Sacred Scripture from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome. He has served in several pastoral, administrative, and academic roles, most recently as rector of the Basilica-Sanctuary Santa Maria de finibus terrae in Leuca, Italy and diocesan administrator of Ugento-Santa Maria di Leuca. He was named a chaplain of His Holiness in 2007. - Msgr. Dario Edoardo Vigano as director of Vatican Television and secretary of the Administrative Council of that same agency. Msgr. Vigano teaches in the “Redemptor hominis” Pastoral Institute of the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome, Italy. - Mr. Angelo Scelzo as vice director of the Holy See Press Office for the accreditation of journalists. Mr. Scelzo was previously undersecretary of the Pontifical Council for Social Communication. |
The National Prayer Vigil for Life is an all-night
pro-life prayer vigil held on the eve of the March for Life each January. Over
20,000 pilgrims from across the nation pray through the night for an end to
abortion and a greater respect for all human life. It is held at the Basilica of
the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C.
The vigil schedule includes the Opening Mass celebrated in the Great Upper Church. Prayer continues throughout the night with the National Rosary for Life, Night Prayer and Holy Hours for Life. The following morning, the prayer vigil concludes with Morning Prayer, Benediction and the Closing Mass the next morning.
The National Prayer Vigil for Life is one small part of the Church's "great prayer for life." It is sponsored by the USCCB Pro-Life Secretariat, the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, and The Catholic University of America Office of Campus Ministry.
The vigil schedule includes the Opening Mass celebrated in the Great Upper Church. Prayer continues throughout the night with the National Rosary for Life, Night Prayer and Holy Hours for Life. The following morning, the prayer vigil concludes with Morning Prayer, Benediction and the Closing Mass the next morning.
The National Prayer Vigil for Life is one small part of the Church's "great prayer for life." It is sponsored by the USCCB Pro-Life Secretariat, the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, and The Catholic University of America Office of Campus Ministry.
A great prayer for life is urgently needed, a prayer
which will rise up throughout the world. Through special initiatives and in
daily prayer, may an impassioned plea rise to God, the Creator and lover of
life, from every Christian community, from every group and association, from
every family and from the heart of every believer. - Blessed Pope John Paul II,
Evangelium Vitae, no. 100
Catholic Communications, Sydney
22 Jan 2013
A movie that explores a German teenager forced to rethink her
beliefs and view of the world as the German Reich collapses around her has been
named Film of the Year by the Australian Catholic Film Office
"The jury was impressed by the themes this beautifully-made film holds together: a survival trek, loss of innocence and discernment," says Father Richard Leonard SJ, Director of the ACFO and Chair of the jury that chose Lore as the best film of 2012.
Directed by Cate Shortland, Lore won immediate international acclaim since it was first shown at the Locarno Film Festival in August last year where it won the prestigious audience award, the Prix du Public UBS. In November the accolades continued when Lore won four awards at the Stockholm International Film Festival including the Bronze Horse for best film.
Lore has also been nominated for
an impressive eight awards at this year's Australian Academy of Cinema and
Television Arts (AACTA) including best film and best director. The AACTA
formerly known as the Australian Film Institute (AFI) is Australia's answer to
the Oscars. The AACTA awards will be announced at a star-studded ceremony on 30
Lore was also chosen to be Australia's official entry in the Foreign Language Film category for the 85th Oscars.
Although made by English-speaking Cate Shortland, one of Australia's most impressive and remarkable young directors, Lore was not only filmed entirely in Germany but has an all-German cast and was written as well as filmed in German.
Based on Rachel Seiffert's novel, The Dark Room, Lore tells the story of 15-year-old Hannelore ("Lore") the child of Nazi officials who have been imprisoned by the victorious allies at the end of World War II. Shepherding her siblings through a defeated and often terrifying Germany in a bid to find sanctuary with her grandmother, Lore begins to discover the ugly truth about her once ordered world and the Aryan beliefs it rested upon.
"Morally what is most impressive is the relationship that develops between Lore and a young man, Thomas, who instructs the children to say he is their older brother," says Fr Richard.
Thomas is Jewish and has the yellow Jewish star in his documents. When he reveals to Lore he is Jewish, her moral view of the world is challenged. She and her siblings grew up as part of the Hitler youth but now a Jew, whom they'd been taught to despise, has become their saviour.
"The relationship with Thomas is not just a romantic interest. It is the moral compass of the film as Lore's need to survive is in conflict and opposition to her distorted view of the world," Fr Richard explains. "The impossible journey Lore makes in this film is much more than physical: it is the entry into seeing, believing and trusting in a common humanity. The film is about conversion."
Director Cate Shortland first made her name with Somersault in 2004, which was nominated for a record breaking 13-AFI Awards in 2004 and launched actor Abbie Cornish on an international career.
In addition to naming Shortland's latest film, Lore as Best Film
of 2012, the jury commended The Sapphires, the hit movie set in 1968 about four
talented Aboriginal singers who learn about love, friendship and war when they
form a girl band and entertain the troops in Vietnam.
The 2011 winner of Best Film by the AFCO went to Oranges & Sunshine which starred Emily Watson and told the story of the hundreds of British children sent to Australia after World War II who were promised sunshine and oranges, but found themselves instead living in appalling conditions and being used as child labour by unscrupulous orphanages and institutions.
Other winning films from previous years include The Waiting City, Samson & Delilah, The Black Balloon, Ten Canoes, Look Both Ways and Rabbit Proof Fence.
Nominations for Lore at this year's AACTA Awards include Best Film, Best Direction for Cate Shortland, Best Sound, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Cinematography, Best Production Design and Best Costume Design. Saskia Rosendahl who gives a remarkable performance as Lore is up for Best Young Actor.
22 Jan 2013

Lore named Film of the Year by Catholic Film
"The jury was impressed by the themes this beautifully-made film holds together: a survival trek, loss of innocence and discernment," says Father Richard Leonard SJ, Director of the ACFO and Chair of the jury that chose Lore as the best film of 2012.
Directed by Cate Shortland, Lore won immediate international acclaim since it was first shown at the Locarno Film Festival in August last year where it won the prestigious audience award, the Prix du Public UBS. In November the accolades continued when Lore won four awards at the Stockholm International Film Festival including the Bronze Horse for best film.

The Sapphires was singled out for special
praise by the Catholic Film Office
Lore was also chosen to be Australia's official entry in the Foreign Language Film category for the 85th Oscars.
Although made by English-speaking Cate Shortland, one of Australia's most impressive and remarkable young directors, Lore was not only filmed entirely in Germany but has an all-German cast and was written as well as filmed in German.
Based on Rachel Seiffert's novel, The Dark Room, Lore tells the story of 15-year-old Hannelore ("Lore") the child of Nazi officials who have been imprisoned by the victorious allies at the end of World War II. Shepherding her siblings through a defeated and often terrifying Germany in a bid to find sanctuary with her grandmother, Lore begins to discover the ugly truth about her once ordered world and the Aryan beliefs it rested upon.
"Morally what is most impressive is the relationship that develops between Lore and a young man, Thomas, who instructs the children to say he is their older brother," says Fr Richard.
Thomas is Jewish and has the yellow Jewish star in his documents. When he reveals to Lore he is Jewish, her moral view of the world is challenged. She and her siblings grew up as part of the Hitler youth but now a Jew, whom they'd been taught to despise, has become their saviour.
"The relationship with Thomas is not just a romantic interest. It is the moral compass of the film as Lore's need to survive is in conflict and opposition to her distorted view of the world," Fr Richard explains. "The impossible journey Lore makes in this film is much more than physical: it is the entry into seeing, believing and trusting in a common humanity. The film is about conversion."
Director Cate Shortland first made her name with Somersault in 2004, which was nominated for a record breaking 13-AFI Awards in 2004 and launched actor Abbie Cornish on an international career.

Cate Shortland director of award winning film
The 2011 winner of Best Film by the AFCO went to Oranges & Sunshine which starred Emily Watson and told the story of the hundreds of British children sent to Australia after World War II who were promised sunshine and oranges, but found themselves instead living in appalling conditions and being used as child labour by unscrupulous orphanages and institutions.
Other winning films from previous years include The Waiting City, Samson & Delilah, The Black Balloon, Ten Canoes, Look Both Ways and Rabbit Proof Fence.
Nominations for Lore at this year's AACTA Awards include Best Film, Best Direction for Cate Shortland, Best Sound, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Cinematography, Best Production Design and Best Costume Design. Saskia Rosendahl who gives a remarkable performance as Lore is up for Best Young Actor.
Many churches of all
denominations across the UK, will begin a national week of action on 26 February
to speak out against the stigmatisation and exclusion of people who are poor or
The annual Poverty & Homelessness Action Week is exploring the theme 'Can you cast the first stone? It aims to offer a Christian challenge to the growing demonization of vulnerable people by politicians and the media. It will celebrate the resilience of people who cope with poverty and homelessness - and the work done by Christian organisations who empower those people.
As well as hundreds of local church services and other events, the Week will feature the launch of some major national initiatives. Housing Justice is to launch an online resource called 'My Story', enabling people with personal experience of homelessness to share their testimonies. Church Action on Poverty is to publish The blame game must stop, a report into the stigmatisation of people on low incomes, with hard-hitting case studies showing the impact on people's lives. Scottish Churches Housing Action is celebrating the launch of Whitebeam Homes, a new project offering affordable housing across Scotland.
Alison Gelder, Director of Housing Justice said: "It is appalling that the UK's economic crisis and rising levels of poverty and homelessness are being blamed on those who are actually feeling their worst effects. Politicians and the media use abusive language and images, and fuel mistrust by contrasting supposed 'strivers' with 'skivers'. They use this blame game to justify cuts to our safety net, which will drive hundreds of thousands of people further into poverty. In Action Week, we are saying that a blame culture is not the way to make things better. We won't tackle poverty and homelessness by blaming those who suffer most from them. We need to stop the blame game now."
Poverty & Homelessness Action Week is supported by many national Christian denominations and agencies. The Most Reverend Bernard Longley, Archbishop of Birmingham said: "When we look at people with the eyes of faith we can see that there is something of God in everyone. It is vital that we recognise the human dignity of each person, whatever their circumstances, and that we extend a hand of friendship and support rather than passing judgement and assigning blame."
Free resources available to help churches and individuals get involved in Action Week include: an outline for a church service; a DVD of video stories; an online prayer calendar; and an e-action which will enable you to write to your local newspaper about the 'blame game'. For more information see: http://www.actionweek.org.uk.
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The annual Poverty & Homelessness Action Week is exploring the theme 'Can you cast the first stone? It aims to offer a Christian challenge to the growing demonization of vulnerable people by politicians and the media. It will celebrate the resilience of people who cope with poverty and homelessness - and the work done by Christian organisations who empower those people.
As well as hundreds of local church services and other events, the Week will feature the launch of some major national initiatives. Housing Justice is to launch an online resource called 'My Story', enabling people with personal experience of homelessness to share their testimonies. Church Action on Poverty is to publish The blame game must stop, a report into the stigmatisation of people on low incomes, with hard-hitting case studies showing the impact on people's lives. Scottish Churches Housing Action is celebrating the launch of Whitebeam Homes, a new project offering affordable housing across Scotland.
Alison Gelder, Director of Housing Justice said: "It is appalling that the UK's economic crisis and rising levels of poverty and homelessness are being blamed on those who are actually feeling their worst effects. Politicians and the media use abusive language and images, and fuel mistrust by contrasting supposed 'strivers' with 'skivers'. They use this blame game to justify cuts to our safety net, which will drive hundreds of thousands of people further into poverty. In Action Week, we are saying that a blame culture is not the way to make things better. We won't tackle poverty and homelessness by blaming those who suffer most from them. We need to stop the blame game now."
Poverty & Homelessness Action Week is supported by many national Christian denominations and agencies. The Most Reverend Bernard Longley, Archbishop of Birmingham said: "When we look at people with the eyes of faith we can see that there is something of God in everyone. It is vital that we recognise the human dignity of each person, whatever their circumstances, and that we extend a hand of friendship and support rather than passing judgement and assigning blame."
Free resources available to help churches and individuals get involved in Action Week include: an outline for a church service; a DVD of video stories; an online prayer calendar; and an e-action which will enable you to write to your local newspaper about the 'blame game'. For more information see: http://www.actionweek.org.uk.
Agenzia Fides REPORT - The Bishop of the
diocese of Netzahualcoyotl, His Exc. Msg. Luis Hector Morales Sánchez, who
alleged that the priests who work in the eastern part of the State of Mexico
have been threatened with death by members of organized crime. At least 10
priests of the diocese of Netzahualcoyotl, which also includes the towns of
Ixtapaluca mexiquenses and Los Reyes La Paz, had to give money to criminal
organizations to avoid being killed. In some statements to the press, collected
by Fides Agency, the Bishop said that there are also a number of ministers of
the Catholic Church who have received telephone threats.
"Fortunately, thank God, there is no crying deaths and violence, rather there is psychological violence through extortion. Few priests have given money, others have been able to handle the situation. Luckily we have had the support of the authorities in these difficult cases," said the Bishop.
The authorities of the State of Mexico have expressed concern over the wave of killings in the last two weeks: almost 40 people have died in the capital and in the suburbs. For the Prosecutor of this state, Miguel Angel Contreras, there is a relationship between the increase in violence and the growing presence of criminal gangs, the "cartels" La Familia Michoacana, Los Zetas and a new group called Guerreros Unidos. The authorities in the capital do not agree with this hypothesis. According to the government of President Enrique Peña Nieto, the violence of crime has left more than 70,000 deaths during the government (2006-2012) of his predecessor, Felipe Calderón. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 22/01/2013)
"Fortunately, thank God, there is no crying deaths and violence, rather there is psychological violence through extortion. Few priests have given money, others have been able to handle the situation. Luckily we have had the support of the authorities in these difficult cases," said the Bishop.
The authorities of the State of Mexico have expressed concern over the wave of killings in the last two weeks: almost 40 people have died in the capital and in the suburbs. For the Prosecutor of this state, Miguel Angel Contreras, there is a relationship between the increase in violence and the growing presence of criminal gangs, the "cartels" La Familia Michoacana, Los Zetas and a new group called Guerreros Unidos. The authorities in the capital do not agree with this hypothesis. According to the government of President Enrique Peña Nieto, the violence of crime has left more than 70,000 deaths during the government (2006-2012) of his predecessor, Felipe Calderón. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 22/01/2013)
(Agenzia Fides 22/01/2013)
The second case in less than a week. The attack took place yesterday in el-Marashda, predominantly Christian, in the province of Quena (Upper Egypt). Muslims burned at least six homes of Coptic Christians and tried to demolish the local church. Wrath unleashed at the alleged rape of a Muslim girl by a Christian. Village Iman calls on youth to protect Christian shops.
Cairo (AsiaNews / Agencies) - More attacks against the Coptic minority in Upper Egypt. A thousand Muslims attacked the predominantly Christian village of el-Marashda (province of Quena, Upper Egypt). Incited by outside religious authorities, extremists burned down homes and shops and tried to demolish the local church. The attack, which took place yesterday, was interrupted by the arrival of the police, who arrested 10 Muslims. Since yesterday evening, a crowd of radical Islamic hav eblocked access to the city, to prevent the police from taking those arrested away. The police responded by firing tear gas. For safety, the authorities ordered the Christian population not to leave their homes and the local parish has canceled the celebrations for the Coptic Orthodox epiphany. In solidarity with christian community, the Iman of the village calls on muslim youth to protect Christian shops.
Anba Kyrollos, Coptic Orthodox bishop of Nag Hammadi, said the group of extremists, including many Salafis, attacked the village in revenge for a Christian accused of abusing a Muslim girl of 6. The rumors about the pedophilia case had emerged in recent days, sparking tension between the two communities, but police investigations have cleared the man. The girl did not suffer any kind of violence. The Salafis have attacked the Christian village all the same, in spite of outcome of the inquiry.
Local sources say that the representatives of the Christian and Muslim communities, met this morning for a reconciliation. However, the police continue to patrol the town for fear of attacks.
Yesterday's was the second attack in less than a week. On 15 January, hundreds of Islamists demolished a building owned by the Coptic Orthodox Church of St. George Taymah in the diocese of the Fayyum (Egypt central 133 km south of Cairo).
After the fall of President Mubarak and the rise to power of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafists, attacks against churches and Christian buildings have increased. In the poorest areas of the country, but also in the capital, cuts to public security and the army have left them powerless in the face of these attacks instigated by Salafis. With their money and their promises, the extremists urge residents to drive Christians out to take over their lands, taking advantage of the absence of a clear law that regulates the construction of religious buildings.
The second case in less than a week. The attack took place yesterday in el-Marashda, predominantly Christian, in the province of Quena (Upper Egypt). Muslims burned at least six homes of Coptic Christians and tried to demolish the local church. Wrath unleashed at the alleged rape of a Muslim girl by a Christian. Village Iman calls on youth to protect Christian shops.

Cairo (AsiaNews / Agencies) - More attacks against the Coptic minority in Upper Egypt. A thousand Muslims attacked the predominantly Christian village of el-Marashda (province of Quena, Upper Egypt). Incited by outside religious authorities, extremists burned down homes and shops and tried to demolish the local church. The attack, which took place yesterday, was interrupted by the arrival of the police, who arrested 10 Muslims. Since yesterday evening, a crowd of radical Islamic hav eblocked access to the city, to prevent the police from taking those arrested away. The police responded by firing tear gas. For safety, the authorities ordered the Christian population not to leave their homes and the local parish has canceled the celebrations for the Coptic Orthodox epiphany. In solidarity with christian community, the Iman of the village calls on muslim youth to protect Christian shops.
Anba Kyrollos, Coptic Orthodox bishop of Nag Hammadi, said the group of extremists, including many Salafis, attacked the village in revenge for a Christian accused of abusing a Muslim girl of 6. The rumors about the pedophilia case had emerged in recent days, sparking tension between the two communities, but police investigations have cleared the man. The girl did not suffer any kind of violence. The Salafis have attacked the Christian village all the same, in spite of outcome of the inquiry.
Local sources say that the representatives of the Christian and Muslim communities, met this morning for a reconciliation. However, the police continue to patrol the town for fear of attacks.
Yesterday's was the second attack in less than a week. On 15 January, hundreds of Islamists demolished a building owned by the Coptic Orthodox Church of St. George Taymah in the diocese of the Fayyum (Egypt central 133 km south of Cairo).
After the fall of President Mubarak and the rise to power of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafists, attacks against churches and Christian buildings have increased. In the poorest areas of the country, but also in the capital, cuts to public security and the army have left them powerless in the face of these attacks instigated by Salafis. With their money and their promises, the extremists urge residents to drive Christians out to take over their lands, taking advantage of the absence of a clear law that regulates the construction of religious buildings.
Mark 2: 23 - 28 | |
23 | One sabbath he was going through the grainfields; and as they made their way his disciples began to pluck heads of grain. |
24 | And the Pharisees said to him, "Look, why are they doing what is not lawful on the sabbath?" |
25 | And he said to them, "Have you never read what David did, when he was in need and was hungry, he and those who were with him: |
26 | how he entered the house of God, when Abi'athar was high priest, and ate the bread of the Presence, which it is not lawful for any but the priests to eat, and also gave it to those who were with him?" |
27 | And he said to them, "The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath; |
28 | so the Son of man is lord even of the sabbath." |