( 1st Sept ).
Speaking in Italian the Pope told thousands of pilgrims and tourists attending his general audience - “Next Saturday we will live together a special day of fasting and prayer for peace in Syria, the Middle East, and the world. I renew the invitation to the whole Church to live intensely this day of fasting and prayer for peace. I express gratitude to the brethren of other religions, and to all men and women of goodwill, who wish to join in places and ways of their own, in this moment. I particularly urge our brothers and sisters in Rome and pilgrims to participate in the prayer vigil in St. Peter's Square Saturday at 7 p.m. to plead with the Lord for the great gift of peace.”
The Vatican has invited ambassadors accredited to the Holy See to attend a briefing on Thursday on the Pope’s agenda for a four-hour vigil Saturday night.
Source: Sedoc
Shared from Radio Vaticana
Compiled: by: Miriam Westen
(http://www.jesuscaritasest.org/ report) Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu was born in Skopje, Macedonia, on August 26, 1910. The Bojaxhiu family was of Albanian descent. When she turned 18 she entered the Sisters of Loreto of Ireland. She took the name Teresa after St. Therese of Lisieux. She taught in a missionary school in India until 1948. While traveling through India she felt God calling her to serve the poorest of the poor. She received permission to leave her order and began to help the poor with volunteers.
(http://www.jesuscaritasest.org/ report) Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu was born in Skopje, Macedonia, on August 26, 1910. The Bojaxhiu family was of Albanian descent. When she turned 18 she entered the Sisters of Loreto of Ireland. She took the name Teresa after St. Therese of Lisieux. She taught in a missionary school in India until 1948. While traveling through India she felt God calling her to serve the poorest of the poor. She received permission to leave her order and began to help the poor with volunteers.
In 1950, she was given permission from the Vatican to start the order "The Missionaries of Charity".
Her order rapidly spread around the world to care for the poor, sick and marginalized in over 120 countries.
She spoke of this ministry in her own words, "I once picked up a woman from a garbage dump and she was burning with fever; she was in her last days and her only lament was: ‘My son did this to me.’ I begged her: You must forgive your son. In a moment of madness, when he was not himself, he did a thing he regrets. Be a mother to him, forgive him. It took me a long time to make her say: ‘I forgive my son.’ Just before she died in my arms, she was able to say that with a real forgiveness. She was not concerned that she was dying. The breaking of the heart was that her son did not want her. This is something you and I can understand."

She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Mother died in 1997 when her order had 610 institutions in 123 countries world wide. Mother Teresa was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 2003. Her 100th birthday was celebrated around the world by many with special tributes. India has created a stamp with her image.
Shared from the Missionaries of Charity
Official Novena Prayer to Blessed Teresa of Calcutta
Official Novena Prayer to Blessed Teresa of Calcutta
Prayed each day of the Novena
you allowed the thirsting love of Jesus on the Cross to become a living flame within you,
and so became the light of His love to all.
Obtain from the Heart of Jesus (here make your request).
Teach me to allow Jesus to penetrate and possess my whole being so completely that my life, too, may radiate His light and love to others. Amen.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Cause of Our Joy, pray for me.
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, pray for me.
“Jesus is my All in All”
Thought for the day:“Don’t search for Jesus in far lands; He is not there. He is close to you; He is in you.”
Ask for the grace of an intimate knowledge of Jesus.
Thought for the day:
Ask for the grace to be convinced of Jesus’ unconditional and personal love for you.
Thought for the day:
Ask for the grace to understand Jesus’ cry of thirst.
Thought for the day:
Ask for the grace to learn from Our Lady to quench Jesus’ thirst as she did.
Thought for the day:
Ask for the grace to have an unshakeable trust in the God’s power and love for you and for all.
Ask for the grace to surrender your whole life to God.
Thought for the day:“Joy is the sign of union with God, of God’s presence. Joy is love, the normal result of a heart burning with love.”
Ask for the grace to find joy in loving and to share this joy with all you meet.
Thought for the day: “Believe that He, Jesus, is in the appearance of Bread and that He, Jesus, is in the hungry, naked, sick, lonely, unloved, homeless, helpless and hopeless.”
Ask for the grace of a deep faith to see Jesus in the Bread of Life and to serve Him in the distressing disguise of the poor.
Ask for the grace to become a saint.
Recite the prayer to Blessed Teresa

In his remarks to the Catholicos, Pope Francis recalled the efforts of his predecessor John Paul II and the former Catholicos Moran Mar Baselios Marthoma Mathews I which led to the creation in 1990 of an ongoing commission which has laid out agreements for the “common use of buildings of worship and cemeteries, the mutual concession of spiritual and liturgical resources in specific pastoral situations, and the necessity to identify new forms of collaboration” in the face of growing social and religious challenges.
Noting that past relations between their two Churches had been marred by “division and rivalry,” Pope Francis said he hoped both sides could work towards reconciliation by cultivating a “culture of encounter” by “overcoming prejudices and closed attitudes which are part of a kind of “culture of clashes” and source of division.” He called for “prayer and commitment” in order to allow friendship and cooperation to grow among the clergy, the faithful, and “among the various churches born from the witness given by St Thomas.”
Below we publish the full text of Pope Francis’ address to His Holiness Baselios Marthoma Paulose II, Catholicos of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church:
Your Holiness, dear Brothers in Christ,
It is a joy for me to meet Your Holiness and the distinguished delegation of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church. Through you, I greet a Church that was founded upon the witness, even to martyrdom, that Saint Thomas gave to Our Lord Jesus Christ. The apostolic fraternity which united the first disciples in their service of the Gospel, today also unites our Churches, notwithstanding the many divisions that have arisen in the sometimes sad course of history, divisions which, thanks be to God, we are endeavouring to overcome in obedience to Lord’s will and desire (cf. Jn 17:21).
The Apostle Thomas exclaimed, “My Lord and my God!” (Jn 2:28) with one of the most beautiful confessions of faith in Christ handed down by the Gospels, a faith which proclaims the divinity of Christ, his lordship in our lives, and his victory over sin and death through his resurrection. This event is so real that Saint Thomas is invited to touch for himself the actual marks of the crucified and risen Jesus (cf. Jn 20:27). It is precisely in this faith that we meet each other; it is this faith that unites us, even if we cannot yet share the Eucharistic table; and it is this faith which urges us to continue and intensify the commitment to ecumenism, encounter and dialogue towards full communion. With deep affection I welcome Your Holiness and the members of your delegation and I ask you to convey my cordial greetings to the Bishops, clergy and faithful of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church. I also greet to the communities you are visiting in Europe.
Thirty years ago, in June of 1983, Catholicos Moran Mar Baselios Marthoma Mathews I paid a visit to my venerable predecessor, Pope John Paul II and to the Church of Rome. Together, they recognised their common faith in Christ. Afterwards, they met again at Kottayam, in the Cathedral of Mar Elias, in February of 1986 during the pastoral visits of the Pope in India. On that occasion, Pope John Paul II said: “With you I desire that our Churches may soon find effective ways of resolving the urgent pastoral problems that face us, and that we may progress together in brotherly love and in our theological dialogue, for it is by these means that reconciliation among Christians and reconciliation in the world can come about. I can assure you that the Catholic Church, with the commitment she made at the Second Vatican Council, is ready to participate fully in this enterprise.”
From those encounters began a concrete path of dialogue with the institution of a mixed commission, which brought to birth the agreement of 1990, on the day of Pentecost, a commission which continues its important work and which has brought us to significant steps on themes such as the common use of buildings of worship and cemeteries, the mutual concession of spiritual and even liturgical resources in specific pastoral situations, and the necessity to identify new forms of collaboration when faced with growing social and religious challenges.
I wanted to recall some of the steps in these 30 years of the growing closeness between us, because I believe that on the ecumenical path it is important to look with trust to the steps that have been completed, overcoming prejudices and closed attitudes which are part of a kind of “culture of clashes” and source of division, and giving way to a "culture of encounter", which educates us for mutual understanding and for working towards unity. Alone however, this is impossible; our witnesses and poverty slow the progress. For this reason, it is important to intensify our prayer, because only the Holy Spirit with his grace, his light and his warmth can melt our coldness and guide our steps towards an ever greater brotherhood. Prayer and commitment in order to let relationships of friendship and cooperation grow at various levels, in the clergy, among the faithful, and among the various churches born from the witness given by St Thomas. May the Holy Spirit continue to enlighten us and guide us towards reconciliation and harmony, overcoming all causes of division and rivalry which have marked our past. Your Holiness, let us walk this path together, looking with trust towards that day in which, with the help of God, we will be united at the altar of Christ's sacrifice, in the fullness of Eucharistic communion.
Let us pray for one another, invoking the protection of Saint Peter and Saint Thomas upon all the flock that has been entrusted to our pastoral care. May they who worked together for the Gospel, intercede for us and accompany the journey of our Churches.
A letter signed by card. Dolan and the President of Justice and Peace ask for a cease-fire and inclusive peace negotiations. The international political group "The Elders" , founded by Nelson Mandela, contrary to the military attack. John Kerry, Secretary of State: Out of 100 countries contacted, "some" would support and join in the armed action. The "Arab countries" ready to pay for the whole operation.

New York City (AsiaNews/Agencies) - The Catholic bishops of the United States are opposed to any military action against Syria and called on President Barack Obama to engage instead in the search for a cease -fire and an end to the civil war.
In a letter to Obama , the Episcopal Conference recalls that Francis Pope and the Middle East bishops urgently asked the international community to avoid any military intervention , which would have " unintended negative consequences" , and would "exacerbate an already deadly situation".
The letter, signed by Card. Timothy Dolan , president of the episcopal conference and by Msgr. Richard Pates , president of the Justice and Peace Commission , condemned the use of chemical weapons , but insists on the judgment of Pope Francis, according to which " God and history " will judge those who use them .
The bishops also appealed to all Catholics in the United States to contact U.S. lawmakers pressing on them to vote against military intervention. The vote is scheduled from September 9 on. The appeal also asks the faithful to push political representatives so that " U.S. leadership , in collaboration with the international community " can work for "an immediate ceasefire in Syria and serious, inclusive negotiations for peace".
Bishops revealed that on August 29 Msgr. Pates sent a letter to John Kerry, U.S. Secretary of State , which expresses the Church's position : " [T]he path of dialogue and negotiation between all components of Syrian society, with the support of the international community, is the only option to put an end to the conflict and to the violence that every day causes the loss of so many human lives....' We ask the United States to work with other governments to obtain a ceasefire, initiate serious negotiations, provide impartial and neutral humanitarian assistance, and encourage building an inclusive society in Syria that protects the rights of all its citizens, including Christians and other minorities."
Meanwhile , just yesterday , John Kerry, discussing with U.S. lawmakers , made the point on allies who support armed intervention against Syria , guilty, in their eyes, of using chemical weapons on 21 August. Out of 100 countries contacted, 57 are convinced that chemical weapons have been used; 34 would support some military action against Syria , "some" would agree to join in the military intervention . He added that "Arab countries have offered " to pay all the expenses of the military operation and that such offer " is quite significant".
Yesterday, a group of prominent international politicians, "The Elders" , headed by former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has spoken out against any military action in Syria. The group, founded by Nelson Mandela, collects personalities like Nobel Prize winner Desmond Tutu , former U.S. President Jimmy Carter , former Irish President Mary Robinson. In a public statement they claim that "There is no military solution to this conflict .. Therefore, every effort must be made to stop further bloodshed and reinvigorate the political process to end the conflict that has devastated and brutalized Syria. "
The group condemns the use of chemical weapons as " inhumane and criminal" and demands that " the perpetrators be convicted in an individual and collective ." But it stresses the world's leaders should wait for the U.N. chemical weapons inspectors' report and "deliberations of the U.N. Security Council" before taking any action.
A letter signed by card. Dolan and the President of Justice and Peace ask for a cease-fire and inclusive peace negotiations. The international political group "The Elders" , founded by Nelson Mandela, contrary to the military attack. John Kerry, Secretary of State: Out of 100 countries contacted, "some" would support and join in the armed action. The "Arab countries" ready to pay for the whole operation.

New York City (AsiaNews/Agencies) - The Catholic bishops of the United States are opposed to any military action against Syria and called on President Barack Obama to engage instead in the search for a cease -fire and an end to the civil war.
In a letter to Obama , the Episcopal Conference recalls that Francis Pope and the Middle East bishops urgently asked the international community to avoid any military intervention , which would have " unintended negative consequences" , and would "exacerbate an already deadly situation".
The letter, signed by Card. Timothy Dolan , president of the episcopal conference and by Msgr. Richard Pates , president of the Justice and Peace Commission , condemned the use of chemical weapons , but insists on the judgment of Pope Francis, according to which " God and history " will judge those who use them .
The bishops also appealed to all Catholics in the United States to contact U.S. lawmakers pressing on them to vote against military intervention. The vote is scheduled from September 9 on. The appeal also asks the faithful to push political representatives so that " U.S. leadership , in collaboration with the international community " can work for "an immediate ceasefire in Syria and serious, inclusive negotiations for peace".
Bishops revealed that on August 29 Msgr. Pates sent a letter to John Kerry, U.S. Secretary of State , which expresses the Church's position : " [T]he path of dialogue and negotiation between all components of Syrian society, with the support of the international community, is the only option to put an end to the conflict and to the violence that every day causes the loss of so many human lives....' We ask the United States to work with other governments to obtain a ceasefire, initiate serious negotiations, provide impartial and neutral humanitarian assistance, and encourage building an inclusive society in Syria that protects the rights of all its citizens, including Christians and other minorities."
Meanwhile , just yesterday , John Kerry, discussing with U.S. lawmakers , made the point on allies who support armed intervention against Syria , guilty, in their eyes, of using chemical weapons on 21 August. Out of 100 countries contacted, 57 are convinced that chemical weapons have been used; 34 would support some military action against Syria , "some" would agree to join in the military intervention . He added that "Arab countries have offered " to pay all the expenses of the military operation and that such offer " is quite significant".
Yesterday, a group of prominent international politicians, "The Elders" , headed by former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has spoken out against any military action in Syria. The group, founded by Nelson Mandela, collects personalities like Nobel Prize winner Desmond Tutu , former U.S. President Jimmy Carter , former Irish President Mary Robinson. In a public statement they claim that "There is no military solution to this conflict .. Therefore, every effort must be made to stop further bloodshed and reinvigorate the political process to end the conflict that has devastated and brutalized Syria. "
The group condemns the use of chemical weapons as " inhumane and criminal" and demands that " the perpetrators be convicted in an individual and collective ." But it stresses the world's leaders should wait for the U.N. chemical weapons inspectors' report and "deliberations of the U.N. Security Council" before taking any action.
UCAN/ALJAZEERA REPORT: Vatican confirms he has been relieved of duties

- Al Jazeera
- Vatican City
- The Vatican has recalled its ambassador to the Dominican Republic and relieved him of his duties pending an investigation, after local media accused him of paedophilia, a spokesman for the Roman Catholic Church said.
The Dominican Attorney General announced late on Wednesday that a special prosecutor had been appointed to investigate Archbishop Josef Wesolowski, who has been nuncio, or ambassador, in the capital Santo Domingo for nearly six years.
Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said the Holy See had started a probe of Wesolowski and that he had been recalled "in the last few weeks," specifically over the paedophilia accusations.
"He has been relieved of his duties and the Holy See has begun an investigation," Lombardi said when asked about allegations against Wesolowski in the local media.
Wesolowski could not be reached for comment. Weeks after his election in March as the first non-European
pontiff in 1,300 years, Pope Francis announced he wanted the church to root out sexual abuse of children by priests and ensure that abusers are punished.
Monsignor Agripino Núñez Collado, a church official in the Caribbean nation, told reporters the Vatican acted as soon as the pope had been informed of Wesolowski's alleged "missteps."
He said Wesolowski faces possible punishment by the Vatican but may be immune from prosecution in the Dominican Republic because a nuncio has diplomatic status.
Dominican Attorney General Francisco Dominguez Brito told reporters the investigation would take into account national and international law, "given his status as a diplomat."

To all faithful Christians who, in private or public, in church or in their own houses, shall keep any of the following Novenas, in preparation for the principal feasts of most holy Mary, Pope Pius VII., at the prayer of several holy persons, granted, by Rescripts issued through his Eminence the Cardinal-Vicar, Aug. 4 and Nov. 24, 1808, and Jan. 11, 1800 (all of which are kept in the Segretaria of the Vicariate) -
i. An indulgence of 300 days, daily.ii. A plenary indulgence to all who shall assist at these Novenas every day, and who shall afterwards, either on the Feast-day itself, to which each Novena respectively has reference, or on some one day in its Octave, after Confession and Communion, pray to our Lord and to the Blessed Virgin ac cording to the pious intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.
i. An indulgence of 300 days, daily.ii. A plenary indulgence to all who shall assist at these Novenas every day, and who shall afterwards, either on the Feast-day itself, to which each Novena respectively has reference, or on some one day in its Octave, after Confession and Communion, pray to our Lord and to the Blessed Virgin ac cording to the pious intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.
(Beginning Aug. 30.)
Veni Sancte Spiritus, reple tuorum corda fidelium, et tui amoris in eis ignem accende.
V. Emitte Spiritum tuum, et creabuntur.
R. Et renovabis faciem terrae.
Deus, qui corda fidelium Sancti Spiritus illustratione docuisti: da nobis in eodem Spiritu recta sapere, et de ejus semper consolatione gaudere. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. R. Amen.
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful, and kindle in them the fire of Thy love.
V. Send forth Thy Spirit, and they shall be created.
R. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth.
Let us pray.
O God, who hast taught the hearts of Thy faithful people by the light of the Holy Spirit; grant us in the same Spirit to relish what is right, and evermore to rejoice in his holy comfort. Through Christ our Lord. R. Amen.
Most holy Mary, Elect One, predestined from all eternity by the Most Holy Trinity to be Mother of the only-begotten Son of the Eternal Father, foretold by the Prophets, expected by the Patriarchs, desired by all nations, Sanctuary and living Temple of the Holy Ghost, Sun without stain, conceived free from original sin, Mistress of Heaven and of Earth, Queen of angels:- humbly prostrate at thy feet we give thee our homage, rejoicing that the year has brought round again the memory of thy most happy Nativity; and we pray thee with all our hearts to vouchsafe in thy goodness now to come down again and be reborn spiritually in our souls, that, led captive by thy loveliness and sweetness, they may ever live united to thy most sweet and loving heart.
i. So now whilst we say nine angelic salutations, we will direct our thoughts to the nine months which thou didst pass enclosed in thy mother’s womb; celebrating at the same time thy descent from the royal house of David, and how thou didst come forth to the light of heaven with high honour from the womb of holy Anna, thy most happy mother.
Ave Maria.
ii. We hail thee, heavenly Babe, white Dove of purity; who in spite of the serpent wast conceived free from original sin.
Ave Maria.
iii. We hail thee, bright Morn; who, forerunner of the Heavenly Sun of Justice, didst bring the first light to earth.
Ave Maria.
iv. We hail thee, Elect; who, like the untarnished Sun, didst burst forth in the dark night of sin.
Ave Maria.
v. We hail thee, beauteous Moon; who didst shed light upon a world wrapt in the darkness of idolatry.
Ave Maria.
vi. We hail thee, dread Warrior-Queen; who, in thyself a host, didst put to flight all hell.
Ave Maria.
vii. We hail thee, fair Soul of Mary; who from eternity wast possessed by God and God alone.
Ave Maria.
viii. We hail thee, dear Child, and we humbly venerate thy most holy infant body, the sacred swaddling-clothes wherewith they bound thee, the sacred crib wherein they laid thee, and we bless the hour and the day when thou wast born.
Ave Maria.
ix. We hail thee, much-loved Infant, adorned with every virtue immeasurably above all saints, and therefore worthy Mother of the Saviour of the world; who, having been made fruitful by the Holy Spirit, didst bring forth the Word Incarnate.
Ave Maria.
O most lovely Infant, who by thy holy birth hast comforted the world, made glad the heavens, struck terror into hell, brought help to the fallen, consolation to the sad, salvation to the weak, joy to all men living; we entreat thee, with the most fervent love and gratitude, to be spiritually reborn in our souls by means of thy most holy love; renew our spirits to thy service, rekindle in our hearts the fire of charity, bid all the virtues blossom there, that so we may find more and more favour in thy gracious eyes. Mary! be thou our Mary, and may we feel the saving power of thy sweetest name; may it ever be our comfort to call on that name in all our troubles; may it be our hope in dangers, our shield in temptation, and our last utterance in death. Sit nomen Mariae mel in ore, melos in aure, et jubilus in corde. Amen. Let the name of Mary be honey in the mouth, melody in the ear, joy in the heart. Amen.
V. Nativitas tua, Dei Genitrix Virgo.
R. Gaudium annuntiavit universo mundo.
Famulis tuis, quaesumus Domine, coelestis gratiae munus impertire: ut quibus Beata Virginis partus extitit salutis exordium, nativitatis ejus votiva solemnitas pacis tribuat incrementum.
Deus, qui corda fidelium Sancti Spiritus illustratione docuisti: da nobis in eodem Spiritu recta sapere, et de ejus semper consolatione gaudere. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. R. Amen.
V. Thy Nativity, O Virgin Mother of God.
R. Hath brought joy to the whole world.
Let us pray.
Grant to us Thy servants, we beseech Thee, O Lord, the gift of heavenly grace; that to all those for whom the delivery of the Blessed Virgin was the beginning of salvation, this her votive festival may give increase of peace. Through, &c.
Let us pray.
O God, who hast taught the hearts of Thy faithful people by the light of the Holy Spirit; grant us in the same Spirit to relish what is right, and evermore to rejoice in his holy comfort. Through Christ our Lord. R. Amen.
Thursday of the Twenty-second Week in Ordinary Time
Lectionary: 434
Reading 1 COL 1:9-14
Brothers and sisters:
From the day we heard about you, we do not cease praying for you
and asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of God’s will
through all spiritual wisdom and understanding
to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord,
so as to be fully pleasing, in every good work bearing fruit
and growing in the knowledge of God,
strengthened with every power, in accord with his glorious might,
for all endurance and patience,
with joy giving thanks to the Father, who has made you fit to share
in the inheritance of the holy ones in light.
He delivered us from the power of darkness
and transferred us to the Kingdom of his beloved Son,
in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
From the day we heard about you, we do not cease praying for you
and asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of God’s will
through all spiritual wisdom and understanding
to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord,
so as to be fully pleasing, in every good work bearing fruit
and growing in the knowledge of God,
strengthened with every power, in accord with his glorious might,
for all endurance and patience,
with joy giving thanks to the Father, who has made you fit to share
in the inheritance of the holy ones in light.
He delivered us from the power of darkness
and transferred us to the Kingdom of his beloved Son,
in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
Responsorial Psalm PS 98:2-3AB, 3CD-4, 5-6
R. (2) The Lord has made known his salvation.
The LORD has made his salvation known:
in the sight of the nations he has revealed his justice.
He has remembered his kindness and his faithfulness
toward the house of Israel.
R. The Lord has made known his salvation.
All the ends of the earth have seen
the salvation by our God.
Sing joyfully to the LORD, all you lands;
break into song; sing praise.
R. The Lord has made known his salvation.
Sing praise to the LORD with the harp,
with the harp and melodious song.
With trumpets and the sound of the horn
sing joyfully before the King, the LORD.
R. The Lord has made known his salvation.
The LORD has made his salvation known:
in the sight of the nations he has revealed his justice.
He has remembered his kindness and his faithfulness
toward the house of Israel.
R. The Lord has made known his salvation.
All the ends of the earth have seen
the salvation by our God.
Sing joyfully to the LORD, all you lands;
break into song; sing praise.
R. The Lord has made known his salvation.
Sing praise to the LORD with the harp,
with the harp and melodious song.
With trumpets and the sound of the horn
sing joyfully before the King, the LORD.
R. The Lord has made known his salvation.
Gospel LK 5:1-11
While the crowd was pressing in on Jesus and listening to the word of God,
he was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret.
He saw two boats there alongside the lake;
the fishermen had disembarked and were washing their nets.
Getting into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon,
he asked him to put out a short distance from the shore.
Then he sat down and taught the crowds from the boat.
After he had finished speaking, he said to Simon,
“Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.”
Simon said in reply,
“Master, we have worked hard all night and have caught nothing,
but at your command I will lower the nets.”
When they had done this, they caught a great number of fish
and their nets were tearing.
They signaled to their partners in the other boat
to come to help them.
They came and filled both boats
so that the boats were in danger of sinking.
When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at the knees of Jesus and said,
“Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.”
For astonishment at the catch of fish they had made seized him
and all those with him,
and likewise James and John, the sons of Zebedee,
who were partners of Simon.
Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid;
from now on you will be catching men.”
When they brought their boats to the shore,
they left everything and followed him.
he was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret.
He saw two boats there alongside the lake;
the fishermen had disembarked and were washing their nets.
Getting into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon,
he asked him to put out a short distance from the shore.
Then he sat down and taught the crowds from the boat.
After he had finished speaking, he said to Simon,
“Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.”
Simon said in reply,
“Master, we have worked hard all night and have caught nothing,
but at your command I will lower the nets.”
When they had done this, they caught a great number of fish
and their nets were tearing.
They signaled to their partners in the other boat
to come to help them.
They came and filled both boats
so that the boats were in danger of sinking.
When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at the knees of Jesus and said,
“Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.”
For astonishment at the catch of fish they had made seized him
and all those with him,
and likewise James and John, the sons of Zebedee,
who were partners of Simon.
Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid;
from now on you will be catching men.”
When they brought their boats to the shore,
they left everything and followed him.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Labor of love has taken 50 years so far

Pictures: Mail Online
- Steve Nolan for Mail Online
- Spain
- With its giant spires and magnificent dome to rival that of St Peter's Basillica, Mejorada del Campo's impressive cathedral looks like it has been skilfully crafted by a team of architectural experts.
It's impossible to believe that it has been single-handedly built by a former trappist monk who had never laid a brick in his life.

The as yet unfinished building, a little over 12 miles outside of Madrid, has been painstakingly built piece by piece over 50 years by 86-year-old farmer Justo Gallego Martinez.
He had no prior knowledge of architecture and no experience in the construction industry, but instead has spent five decades collecting junk and discarded building material in order to build the 131ft tall structure.
After working as a farmer and bullfighter, deeply religious Mr Martinez - or Don Justo as he is known - spent eight years at a Trappist monastery.
But he was forced to leave when he was struck down with tuberculosis in 1961.

During his illness, he vowed that if he survived it he would build a chapel and name it after the Virgin Mary to whom he prayed while he was sick.
True to his vow, Don Justo began building what he describes as his act of faith in 1963 and despite his lack of skills or building materials, is still working on the project today.
Despite the scepticism of many friends and locals, Don Justo has remarkably managed to build the place of worship without using so much as a crane.
The vast columns of the structure are made from empty oil drums, while the covering on one of the domes is made from discarded food tubes.

But, with Don Justo working on his own aside from occasional help from his six nephews, the cathedral is far from finished with windows left unpainted, one of the domes to be covered and the floor to be completed.
The inspiration of St Peter's Basillica with its huge central dome is plain to see, but Don Justo's ideas were also taken from the White House, and a variety of European castles and churches.